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hyejin rushes outside of her hospital room, she was grateful for the fact that her heels were now replaced with hospital sandals, making it easier to walk. everything was still blurry, but she still attempted to look for haos room. as she looked around, a nurse noticed her. she went up to hyejin, tapping her on the shoulder.

"ma'am, you're supposed to be resting. please go back to your room." she kindly asks. taerin denies her request, asking for direction on where her friends room was. the nurse was hesitant, eventually giving up and leading hyejin to haos room.

she stood there, staring at the passed out hao. she felt an immense wave of guilt washing over her, it was all her fault. if she had payed attention to her surroundings, maybe he wouldn't have ended up in the hospital. she noticed a person reading a book on the guest chairs beside the bed, it was hanbin. he looked up at her, immediately getting up and pulling her in for a hug.

"oh hyejin, youre finally awake! i've been waiting for you and hao to wake up but, he's still asleep. matthew contacted me and told me about the situation at the restaurant, you guys are so brave!" he smiled, patting hyejin on the back.

"those two are brave, not me. i'm so stupid, it's all my fault any of this happened. i always manage to ruin everything." hyejin mumbled as she stared at the ground in embarrassment.

"none of it was your fault, don't blame yourself. there was actually someone responsible for the fire. matthew told me that the staff checked the cameras, and they saw someone pouring gasoline in the garden. and when you both arrived, they opened the lantern and tipped it over. i'm really shocked and confused on why anyone would do that." hanbin explained.

"what?" how the hell am I supposed to take this information in?" hyejin groans, getting a massive headache all at once when suddenly something clicked. who else would want to harm hyejin and hao other than the king of criminals himself, zhang huan? but there was no proof, what if hyejin was just assuming the worst. everything was a mess.

"i'm sorry about everything hyejin. ill be right back, you can stay here with hao for a bit if you want." hanbin slightly frowns before leaving. now it was dead silent in this room.

hyejin sat on the chair beside the bed, staring at the sleeping hao. he looked so pale, and his arm was bandaged. she wondered to herself, why would he need bandages on his arm. hyejin slightly moved the bandage to reveal burn marks. she covered her mouth in disbelief. god, how painful that must be. the guilt seeped in even more now and it was getting more painful to breathe every second.

"please wake up soon, my anxiety is going to eat me alive if you don't." she mumbled, moving his soft brown hair out of his face with her finger. she held onto his cold hand, hoping her warmth would spread to his body. she stared at him angrily, "the way i'm going to beat the shit out of your dad when I see him again, mark my words zhang hao." she whispered, shaping her hand into a fist.

"but until then, please wake up. i know you're kind of a jerk right now but, i miss you already." she got up from her seat, giving him a little peck on his forehead, "see you soon." she whispered before walking out of the room, sighing.

"i'm so hungry, i haven't ate all day. i didn't even get to enjoy the fancy food because of my parents attitude." hyejin scoffs as she mumbles to herself. she looks around, hoping for any luck with food. she notices one of the staff standing close, taking that as her cue to go ask for anything to eat.

hyejin tapped on her shoulder and softly asked "excuse me? i'm a patient from that room over there, is there anything i could possibly eat?" the staff lady looks disappointed before answering, "sorry, we don't serve meals at this time. but we have snacks for the patients, would you like some?"

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