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its 6 in the morning as hyejin lays down on her bed as she listens to music and draws. she smiled as she looked through her sketches of hao as she pretended that everything was fine. suddenly she hears the sound of her phone ringing. she reaches her arm out, anxiously grabbing her phone.


"hello. this is south koreas national police agency, is this shin hyejin?"

"yes yes that is me."

"we're here to inform you that your case is being registered and is being investigated right now. but we are sorry to inform you that  unfortunately we will put this case on hold, we hope you understand."

"i understand." she replied, then hanging up. she threw her phone on the bed, grabbing a pillow them screaming into it in anger.

"man fuck everyone including you stupid dumb annoying hao, you literally ruined my mental health AGHHHGH im going to kill everyone then myself " she continues yelling as she hits herself, realizing she has to be at school in an hour. hyejin gets changed and drives to school.

as she walks into the halls, she notices the absence of all the students. "what the hell?" she murmurs to herself as she continues looking around. suddenly, she hears yelling from outside. hyejin was getting even more curious, going towards the sound. she walks into a crowd of students huddled up, watching something.

"hey, whats going on?" she taps keita on the shoulder.

"theres a fight!! i think rickys losing" keita lets out a little laugh.

"ricky? are you kidding me, its 7 in the morning what is his blonde ass doing?" her hand on her palm, sighing as she pushes through the crowd, wondering what was wrong with him.

"oh my god, young and rich its too early for you to be fighting with-"

"hao? seriously?"

she crosses her arms in disbelief and disappointment as she watches her two friends fighting with each other, well one friend. at this point she was on rickys side, she felt like zhanghao deserved a beating from someone sooner or later.

"YEAH RICKY! BEAT HIS ASS" hyejin yells, catching zhanghaos attention and making him lose focus and then him getting punched in the face.

as hyejin notices things getting more bloody, she realized she had to quickly get them to stop before a teacher comes. she walks over to the nearest corner close to ricky and pulls his hair, pulling him to the side.

"okay ricky, good job but you need to stop before you get yourself killed. i've seen hao beat a guy till he passes out bro.. trust me, you're going to lose" she holds his hand, noticing blood.

"what is going on here?" the principal walked in, looking completely furious. "zhang hao, shen ricky, shin hyejin. my office NOW." the rest of the students rush back into class to avoid yelled at by the angry woman.

"me? what did i do???" hyejin gasps due to the unfairness of the situation.

"psst, you have zhang haos blood on your hands" ricky whispered in her ear. she looked at her hands that were covered in blood, realizing she was still holding onto rickys hands.

"not the first time." she sighed as she followed the principal into her office, leaving ricky dumbfounded.

the three of them walk behind the principal as she leads them into her office, zhang hao glaring at ricky who is talking with hyejin. when they enter, they all quietly sit down on the chairs placed in front of the principals desk.

"you three are being punished. since i'm feeling generous today, you are cleaning the bathrooms together for a week." the principal addressed while typing on her computer.

"but miss, i didn't do anything i was trying to break the fight." hyejin whined, trying to change the principals mind.

"hyejin, you are one of our smartest students but this whole fight started because of you, so you deserve an equal punishment." the principal stated before kicking the three out of her office. "your session starts after first period, go to class. plus, as another punishment, you're not allowed to attend any other classes today." the principal yells, shutting the door in their faces.

"the fight started because of me? pfft shes on drugs." hyejin let out a little laugh as she looked over at ricky who was silently looking at her with a guilty expression. the three of them walk back to class in silence, not excited to be spending more time together. the lesson began, everyone needed to focus since there was only some weeks left before their exams. almost an hour later, when the lesson ended, the trio went over to the schools bathroom.

the smell was intoxicating. hyejin could be seen almost gagging from the scent. zhang hao walked over to the cleaning bucket and grabbed a mop as he quietly started mopping the floor. "thats not how you do it hao, watch." hyejin pulls the mop out of his hands, moving it in the correct direction as he watched in silence.

"i don't need your help." he replied in a cold tone, aggressively pulling the mop out of hyejins hands. "jeez okay.." she mumbled, rolling her eyes.

"i'm too handsome to be cleaning a freaking school bathroom." ricky dramatically added, his nose scrunching as he opens one of the stalls.

"calm down sleeping beauty, its just water." hyejin handed ricky the cleaning bucket as she sprayed the bathroom with some of her perfume. "do you mind not making the whole room smell like you? i'm trying to focus." zhang hao argued.

"oh I'm sorry, i didn't realize my scent was so horrifyingly annoying. at least i'm trying to make this place smell better." hyejin argued back, letting her pettiness take over her.

"i can use my perfum-"

"shut up ricky." hyejin and zhanghao replied in unison while still making eye contact. ricky could sense the tension between the two of them but he was too unbothered to ask what was going on.

"did you guys break up or something? your arguing is making my head hurt." ricky commented, hoping to get a reaction.

"none of your business, ricky. maybe you should go touch up your roots, they're getting longer." zhanghao replied, as he violently mopped the floor. hyejin chuckled at zhanghaos comment. he turned around to hide his slight smile.

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