S2 : V

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Apo's Pov.


Camera flashing. Wave here, wave there and smile here, smile there.

We are shooting for a famous fashion brand today and as a professional I didn't let our problem middle our work so I did as I was told too.

After finishing the shoot and packing up my things, I was about to text Masu when a hand suddenly pulled me.

"You are coming with me by hook or by crook." after saying that he pulled me to his car and put our bags at the bag of his car.

"P'Mile what do you think you are doing right now?" I ask as he enter the car.

"Well you didn't want to talk to me so I'm making you talk and I bringing you home and mind you don't even think about messaging Masu cause he can't do anything about it." this old man really gets on my nerves. (well he ain't that old)

I didn't bother to ask anymore question so I make myself entertained, looking outside.

The whole ride to God knows where he is taking me is silent no one is talking all you can hear is the sound of the radio playing random music and I even when to sleep because of boredom. After the long drive, me and Mile arrive at their front gate.

"What are we doing here, at your parents house?" I ask confuse cause he said that I'm going home with him but I never thought literally going home with him here in Kalasin.

"We are staying here for a while Po." My eyes widen because of the sudden news.

"What do you mean we'll be staying here. Phi we have schedule a lot of it and isn't supposed to be Linn that you are taking here with you?" I raised my eyesbrows at him.

"No Linn cancel last minute, she is going to Japan with her parents. So I decided to continue our little celebration that is why I when to your house this morning to petch you but it turns out you have dinner with that guy tomorrow." he state.

"You only need me when Linn is nit around. I'm just always an option to you, how pathetic." I said. He was about to defend himseld but the door opens and it interrupted him.

It was P'Mile(s) mother. After seeing us he quickly went straight to me for a hug just like she always does.

" Apo it's been a long time, I miss you so much my child. " She said. I hug her back but then his son commented.

"So Mom you miss him but you don't miss your real son which is me." he said pouting jis lips like a baby and it made me somehow smile.

"Oh my baby boy of course I miss you too but I miss Apo more than you." after saying that Mom pulls me inside their house and make me sit at the couch.

"Really mom you will leave me here outside?" he shout outside the door.

"You're already big enough so come on and bring Apo's belongings too." Mom shout back.

You mighy be wondering why I'm calling P'Mile mom instead of aunt well because she want me to call her that even his dad wants me to call him dad.

"By the way mom where is dad?" I ask cause everytime I go here dad is at the living room playing chest with his frienda or sometimea drinking coffee while reading the news.

"Oh your dad is at a business overseas together with Man (Mile's Older brother)." oh they're must be really busy.

"I thought they are here cause I want to play chest with dad." I said.

"Oh really but you didn't even want to go with me and I just pulled you hard just to enter the car." it was Mile and he just finish putting our thing's inside well it was mostly his cause I just bought a one backpack.

"Don't listen to him mom I did that cause he was dragging me without any preparation. I did not even get the chance ro bring spare clothes." I make myself innocent.

"Hey Mile are you bullying Apo again huh?" mom stand up from his seat then when to Mile and all of a sudden she slap Phi's shoulder and it made a man flinch and hissed in pain.

"Mom I didn't do anything to him why don't you believe me for once?" he ask his mom. They're more like a sibling fighting than a mother and son.

"Well even though you how him first, I know him better than you do." those words of his mother brings back a memory of P' Mile doubt how much he knows me, and that memory will be a forever thorn to my heart.

The atmosphere became silent for a while so I decided to ask mom to make something at the kitchen. While Phi is left alone at the living room.

Mile's Pov.

"Well even though you how him first, I know him better than you do." aftee my mom saud that a realization hits me right in the face.

Flash back...

"P'Mile you saw that Linn is the one started it why are you being like this after all you know me more than you know her." He said.

"I thought I know you but my bad I think its really good that the filming is already done. Come on love I'll bring you home now." I answer him out of range cause my girl is being humiliated.

End of flashback...

I was such a jerk saying that to him, to my best friend for a very long time, just because of a girl who I thought I'll marry soon but at the same time I'm suddenly having doubts about our relationship.

"I really need to do something for him, I don't want to lose my best friend, maybe I still do have those feelings in me." I talk to myself.

"Maybe I'm still in love with you but I'm afraid to talk about it specially now that there is another person involve, Mo Chroí"


Here is another update my dear readers. I hope you like it enjoy reading and don't forget to vote, and share the story with your BL partner of friends. Love you guys, feel free to leave a comment.

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