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Mile's Pov.

"It's been a year since that thing happened. All the memories of our time together are all gone. The very person who I love the most in this world happens turns to be coold towards me now." I said as I was looking outside the window.

"At first I was so happy cause finally I gave him the freedom he wants but, it just backfires at me. All the love that I gave him was thrown away." tears comes out of my eyes.

"I never imagine this could happen to our happy life. We're about to be happy forever, but since then all the attention and love that I deserve are gone. I always received cold shoulders and cold treatment." I continue as I sit on the couch.

"All he care about is this girl he may not be a cheater but he is a traitor. Why didn't he just say that he doesn't love me anymore. I will understand, I'll set him free if he wants to, but he is just there comforting another girl in front of me." I hissed at the girl.

"P'Mile can you please stop being a baby." Wow he called me a baby if it was an endearment I will melt on the spot but it was an insult.

"Sorry if I'm acting like a baby to you." I said then walk out from there.

I get in my car then drove away, but with a little hope I look at the rare view mirror of my car to check if he chase after me but to my luck there is no sign of him.

As I was driving I decided to stop by my friends house to have some drink cause I was really stress. I need something and someon to talk too.

Apo's Pov.

"P'Mile can you please stop being a baby." I said cause he has been spitting nonsense eversince this girl came.

So what if I'm giving more attention to this girl. It's not that I'm cheating or doesn't love him anymore. He is just very jealous of something that he shouldn't be.

He walk out I thought he was going to our room but then I heard his car engine started. I wanted to follow him to check but this girl doesn't want me to go so I stay still in my place.

"He'll go home anyway, I just text him later. He also need some alone time" I remind to myself.

But as the time goes by I been more and more worried about him, cause he didn't answer neither of my calls or text. So while the girl is sleeping I went to my car and look for P'Mile.

Third person's Pov.

"Come on man you've been drinking what really is the problem huh?" Ask by Mile frustrated friend.

"You wanna know why?" Mile ask after tugging his drink.

His friends just nod their heads cause they really wanna now what is the deal of this man. Coming here calling his friends for company, but all he did was drink after a drink.

"Well my partner recently know this girl and he took it in our house he didn't even consult me first. One day he just suddenly showed up on our house with this girl and ever since then all of his attention, care and love is always on that girl. I know he isn't a cheater but he is still a traitor. " Mile explains then took another sip or hia drink.

" Wait, why don't you just talk to him about you not wanting that girl after all you're living in your house so you have the every right to make the decision. " Mile's friend, Off suggested.

"Do you think that is easy bro I did it before and I almost lost my partner too." Mile is so depress that he evem pulled his own hair.

"Wait a minute you keep saying that girl, that girl doesn't have a name?" Tay ask.

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