S2 : X

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Apo's Pov.

It's been a week since the confession of P'Mile happen and up until now he is pestering me like crazy. He is always at our house bothering anytime he wants. I really wanted to push him away and out of our house but my mother doesn't let me do it so I ask my father to help but all he did is smile at me and shrugged his shoulders.

P'Mile is trying to leave a good impression to my parents specially to me. One time when he visited me both of my parents are here, while eating he suddenly cleared his throat.

"Ehm... Ehm... Ma, Pa I would like to ask you something if it is ok?" he started, both me and my parents look at him confuse.

"What it is son?" my mom ask.

"I would like to court Apo." that statement made me choke on my food.

"Oh my G hey Apo here's water." I took the water and drink it and I look at him like what is he thinking?

"I know its to sudden to ask you something like this but I really do like... No scratch that I do love Apo since a long time ago but I was to afraid of running our friendship and there I new Linn we became friends and I thought maybe Linn can help me so I tried courting her and there we became a couple I also thought that my feelings for her is slowly growing not until Apo and I had fought. I realised that my feelings for him didn't fade but instead it grows more as the time goes but but I was in denial. I'm also sorry for hurting your son but can you please let me prove myself to you that I maybe a jerk but I can make Apo happy. " I was in the verge of tears hearing him say this things make my heart soft but something in my mind keeps saying that Mile sould learn from his mistakes and prove to me that he is worth it of my forgiveness.

My parents were just staring at P'Mile, but I don't think at they are shock about his confession at all but then my mom suddenly smile and look at may father.

"I told you his in love with our son." she looks so satisfied about the thing which just happen.

"Yeah, Yeah you know all of it but by the way Mile I like that you are honest with us and in fact even though you didn't ask for our permission you can still court our son after all we knew even way before that you both have feelings for each other you're just to young and in denial about it but I'm happy now that you are trying and making things right. " my father proudly smile at him.

" Mile please don't lose patience. Apo is a very stubborn, clumsy, and a picky kid. Apo is also sensitive so be more caution about it try to learn more about him and yes you have our permission about courting Apo. " My mom smiled widely.

Mile stand up of his seat then went to my parents and hug them. It was a very heart warming scene but I don't want to give up just yet.

I continue eating my food so does he, while chewing my food he place his lips near my ears then whisper.

"Prepare yourself cause I won't stop until I makr you mine." those words gives chills to my spine.

I look at him with a sharp eyes and he just show me his gummy smile. I rolled my eyes then continue eating my food.

After that very day my mom and dad is also helping him to gain my forgiveness like I'm their son shouldn't they choose to take my side and not help P'Mile in this. I'm I really their son or what?

I'm currently out cause I know he will be there anytime soon. I went on a near by cafe and thankfully some people who knew me didn't bother and they did just say hi.

I was reading a book and sipping my ice coffee when all of a sudden a man take a sit in front of me. I didn't bother to look at him cause the cafe is really full of costumer but then the guy suddenly spoke.

"You must really love reading books huh." He commented so I look up to him and there he just gave me a wide smile.

"What are you doing here?" I ask he just loook at me.

"Well my best friend is gone and didn't even tell me where did he go." he sarcastically said.

"Well Masu you know that I went home right? I already told you that the day before I go." I rolled my eyes.

He stand up on his chair and sit beside mine then he hug me like its been a year since we seen each other.

"Oh come on let go of me people our staring at us, they might think at we are crazy or even a couple." I said and still keep pushing his face away from me.

I saw on my peripheral vision that some of the costumers are taking a photo or maybe a video of us.

" Masu let go of me man we are being filmed. " he look around then other hurriedly hide their phones

"Let them Apo, by the way I go fetch some coffee then we can continue cause you have lots of stories to tell me." he stand up then went to the counter to order and buy his coffee.

While waiting I decided to check my phone cause it keeps on vibrating. I look at it and the notification are all from Mile asking where am I and what I am doing and other stuff like that. I didn't bother to reply cause I don't want to talk to him.

Masu arrive again after ordering his coffee. I told him about Mile and his confession and like my parents he sided with P'Mile.

"You know you should give him a chance to make things right this time and you, you should also give yourself a chance to love don't cage yourself from the past and focus on the future you both love each other and you can both heal together through the process while being together. " he hold my hand tightly. Masu is right I should give us a chance.

I hug him as a thanks but then we saw a familiar figure standing in front of us glaring and if those stares could kill Masu is probably lifeless now.

" This is bad..." I just thought to myself.

Hello readers here is an update hope you enjoy it and sorry about not properly updating. I tried to update now cause I don't want to disappoint you at all.

And by the way I will focus on this work first then after I finish this story I'll continue the Red string of love.

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