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Porsche's Pov.

Few months have passed since me and Kinn broke up I thought it won't happen but things became mess I'm now back here in the U.S with my sister.

I was currently watching the night sky  when a black cat with green eyes hop on my legs it was my cat Lobster well you don't want to know her full name it's kinda funny but I find it really cute. But if you are really curious she is Sour Cream Lobster a female cat, she has a black fur and green eyes she was actually a stray cat.

I was wondering around a busy street when I heard a small tiny squeak of a kitten so I went inside the alley and there she is dirty but still cute so I take her home I was really going to give her to the local animal shelter after cleaning and treating her wounds but there is something that is telling me to keep her so I did. Lobster help me cope up with my heart break she is always there to give me comfort that I really need.

"Hey Lobster are you here to comfort papa cause you know his sad?" I ask and she answered me with a meow.

"Baby why can't I have the only wish that my heart desire? Did I do something wrong in my past life to supper like this?" I ask her she is just listening and staring at me.

"Thank you Lobster for always being here beside papa." I told her the kiss her.

After the drama I carry lobster and move inside the house cause its time to sleep and its also getting late. While I was preparing for bed when suddenly my phone rang it was Kinn who is calling. I'm not sure is I'm going to answering or not but it would be rude if I don't after all we're still friends.

"Hey why did you call?" I ask.

"I would just like to inform you that the wedding will held next month are you coming?" he ask me like it was just nothing to me. It hurts to hear this but it is what it is.

"Well I'll check my schedule I'm sorry Ba- I mean Kinn and I going to hung up the phone it's already late here good night." I can't take it anymore so I hung up the phone and didn't listen to his answer. Instead of crying after hunging up I choose to cover myself in a blanket then when to sleep.

Kinn's Pov.

"Hey hun who are you talking to?" Dahlia ask me

"Oh it was just about business nothing important." we are now at a tailor for the final fitting of are wedding dress and suit cause next month will be "OUR WEDDING."

While waiting for Dahlia to come out with her dress I then again try to contact Porsche but he didn't answer I even left a message but he just left me unread and unseen.

So I stop texting him and start dressing up for the final fitting.

" You look so handsome hun" said Dahlia behind my back she just finish dressing uo too.

"And you look stunning in that white dress" I say and fake a smile cause I relly wanna go home because I'm tired from tasting the food, buying sone stuff and now trying on suits and dresses.

Porsche's Pov.

Morning comes and I saw lobster sleepin on my chest she is so cute.

I wake her up then we both head to the bathroom to freshen up a bit. After that I got to the kitchen to cook my breakfast and prepare hers to.

While eating my phone suddenly vibrates it was a message from Pete.

"Porsche aren't you going to stop P'Kinn and that b*tch Dahlia's wedding?" he ask on a text. I was just about to reply when he calls

"Hey Porsche, you shouldn go home now and stop the wedding while it was still not happening. I don't know what happen cause the two of you is really sweet then all of a sudden you broke up. Porsche you should fight what is right fully yours you and P'Kinn deserves to be together. " he didn't even want me to answer.

" Pete, oy. Calm down ok and about the wedding I don't think I should stop it he already made his choice and unfortunately I'm not one of the choices or rather and option. He is happy so, so am I. His getting married with Dahlia and thats it. I'm not tge one he wants to be beside him forever. " Its not that I don't want to stop their wedding but I'm just a nobody and they all just know me as his best friend you nothing more, nothing less.

" But Po you love P'Kinn and I know he loves you to so much. " he said and I can feel the sadness in his tone.

"Pete, if we are really meant to be, will be together no matter what happened but he is getting married and marriage is sacred practice or celebration. Maybe Kinn and I are not really for each other we maybe in each other's book but we aren't the main characters, we are just strangers passing by. "I said the hung up the call then put my phone off so that no one can contact me. And then I remember our last conversation before our break up.


"Do you trust me?" he ask me back.

"Yes I do trust you." I answered

" Then I have a plan and I need your cooperation in this." he said and I just nod to give him an answer.

"We should break up." those words make my heart sutter into million pieces.

"You want us to break up?! Why should we, Kinn please don't leave me I can't break up with you, you even told me that you will do everything just to keep me with you and you even said to me that you can leave everything behind just for me so why are you breaking up with me? " my tears again started to flow down my cheeks and I look like a mess.

" Po you told me you trust me right, so I need you to trust me in this so let's break up, it's good for the both of us. " how does breaking up good for us.


Hello Readers sorry for the late update but I hope you'll like this new chapter. Love you all enjoy reading, peace💚💛.

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