S2 : VII

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Apo's Pov.

It's five o'clock in the morning when I woke up so I get up and take a shower. After my morning routine, I grab my stuff then went downstairs it was quite but I do here some people talking at the kitchen, so I went there and saw mom with one of their maids.

I went to the kitchen and there I saw them cooking breakfast. Mile is really lucky to have a mother like her, how I miss my mom.

I knock on the island counter and that made them both look at me.

"Aye Po why are you up so early and you're also dressed. Are you going somewhere?" Mom ask me.

"Ah... no mom I'm actually leaving." I shyly said.

"But why Po?" she ask me.

"My mom just called last night and she wants me to visit them my sister and brother are also there." I said. Its true that I'll br going to Hua Hin but P'Mile drag me here.

"Oh then give my regards to your parents Apo and tell them that we elders should have time for ourselves." she said.

"But mom can I ask a favor?" I ask.

"Sure." she answered

"Can you please don't tell P'Mile about my whereabouts and why did I leave and if it is ok can your driver drove me to my house." I ask her. At first she was a bit sceptical but at the end she still agreed.

"It sure for the best..." I said to my self.


When I finally arrive at my house, I open up my suitcase then put my clothes on it. The truth is I'm going back to New york but I'm not sure if it is for good cause I still do have work here at Thailand.

After finishing packing my stuff I sat on the bed and grab my phone to call P'Pond.

After a few rings he answered.

"Hello Apo?" he said.

"Hello Phi I would like to talk to you about my leave." I said.

"Are you leaving tha company Po?" he worriedly ask.

"Oh no Phi I was just going on a month or two vacation/leave since my schedule was clear so I'm just asking for permission to take a break if it is ok." I heard a sigh in the other side.

"Ok but where are you going at the period of time?"he ask me.

" I be going back to Hua Hin and maybe also visit my sister in New York. "I ask. He agree after that we talk for a while about my schedule then we end the call.

Fast forward...

I arrive at the airport when an unexpected call happen. It was Masu whose calling.

" Aye Po where are you P'Mile just came here at my house and he is looking for you." why would he look for me.

"I'm going home and please don't tell him. He should be focusing on his girlfriend than finding me." he really is irritating.

"How can I tell him? I don't even know where you are right now." he's right.

"Ok but is he still there?" I ask because that man like to butt in.

"No... he's already gone by the time I called you." he said.

"Oh that's good but in case that he come back don't tell him anything about my whereabouts." I told him then he agreed.

"It's now or never. Apo this is your chance to move on and forward with yout life." I encourage myself.

So I started to walk until I reach the inside of the plane.

Mile's Pov.

Morning came so I did all my chores and did my morning rituals cause I'll be fetching Linn at their house cause she wanted to visit my mom and spend time with us specially to my mom. The truth is Linn is not close to my parents like how Po is close to them. My mom is a very sweet and approachable kind of person but Linn is having a hard time getting close to her although they are talking fine and all but I don't see the love and care in my mothers eye towards Linn.

After finishing all the things I did I decided to go down to eat brunch, but when I arrive at the kitchen I didn't see Apo or even a shadow of him so I ask our maid.

"Aunt Jess where's Po I didn't see him in his room?" I ask then continue eating my brunch.

"Apo just leave this morning." she said and that mades me stop from eating.

"What do you mean by that?" I ask again cause I can't process the things she said in my head.

"Apo went home." It was mom who said it she just came in.

"But why did he say the reason about his leave?" I ask again cause if I'm nit mistaken we were just fine even before going to bed.

"He didn't tell us but Po seems to be in a hurry." My mom said.

After hearing that I didn't bother to finish my meal but instead I get up on my seat then get my car keys.

"Aye Mile where are you going? I thought will be fetching Linn later this evening?" My mok ask but I didn't bother to answer her question cause my only problem is Apo.

I don't know why I'm I doing this after all I promise on fetching Linn to her house but here I am chasing a cat that had run away.

After an hour of drive I arrived at Masu's house. I knock on the door and there Masu standing up in front of me half naked and has a bed hair.

"Ow... P'Mile what are you doing here?" he ask me.

"Is Apo there?" when I asked him that his face frowned.

"Don't give me that face and tell me where is Apo?" I ask again.

"P'Mile please calm down Apo is not here and he didn't come here ever since you took him with you." I was still sceptical but I don't want to ask further so I decided to go back home.

"Where are you now?"

Hello readers here's another update I hope you like it. Enjoy reading but don't forget to follow, vote and feel free to leave a comment.

I Love you guys bye bye. 💚💛

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