part 32

224 20 7

Next day

Tae woke up early today to go with jisoo. In his pov its his first date with his enemy.

"Like yoongi hyung said, it's a golden chance taehyung.... Maximum use it." He said said to himself as he smirked by looking himself at the mirror.

By taking his phone he ran to downstairs.

"Taee... Did you forgot? It's weekend" Minseon said as soon as she saw tae coming. Because she rarely saw tae at this time.

"Mom... I'm going" He said and ran to outside.

"Heyy.... Eat yout breakfast. It's ready" She ran behind him.

"No momm" He said.

"At least tell me, where are you going?" She asked.

"Mom... I've project work today" He said and opened the gate.

"Why are you not taking your bike?" She again asked.

"We're going in bus.... Ok mom... Byee" He said and walked forward.

"Bus? But he don't like get into bus! Leave it!!! He must have to learn" She said and went inside.

Tae walked enthusiastically to the bus stop.
After sometime he reached there but didn't see any sign of jisoo. He then sat there by waiting for her.

After sometime he looked at his watch and it shows 8:15.

"Where is this badsoo went? It's getting late" He thought.

After sometime he saw she running to him. She have a backpack in her shoulder. She then reach him. He looked at her and saw she breathing heavily.

"I'm sorry.... I woke up lately" She said.
He was about to curse her but he thought about his dare and his angry face changed into a smile.

"It's ok. I also came just a minute ago" He lied as he fake smiled.

"Ok then, let's go" She said as she looked at him "why don't you take your books?" She asked.

"For what?" He looked at her.

"We are going to data collection not for picnic" She rolled her eyes.

"Oops... I'm sorry" He said as she signed.

At 9.00, their bus arrived. Jisoo get in first and then tae hesitantly followed her.

When they get into the bus it was a little crowdy. Tae's hopelessly looked around.
He didn't saw any empty seat. He sighed hardly.

Somehow he hold the upper wire and stood there.

After sometime the next stop arrived and so many peoples got into the bus and it caused dividing jisoo and tae. Many peoples stood in between them. Tae tightly grip the wire in frustration.

Jisoo is now standing in front row and tae is standing in last line.

"Why are you pushing me?" Tae angrily asked to a girl behind him.

Jisoo looked at him and hold her laughter by seeing his state.

"This is bus man!!! If the driver take break, then automatically I lean to you" The girl said.

"Don't take it as a advantage" He warned as the girl rolled her eyes.

His every move made jisoo smile, even the way he holding the wire.

HOW IT STARTED! | Vsoo | حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن