chap 11

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Jisoo breathed heavily once she reach her school, her abdomen hurts so much! But she ignored it by thinking about yoshi. She went straight into the teachers room and ask about him. But they also have no idea about yoshi. She then went to the ground and saw some childs in yoshi's age playing. There is no more students in the school because it's already late. Jisoo ran to them and didn't saw him.
Then she saw a boy from yoshi's class and she called him.

"Jihoon" She ran to him.

"Jisoo noona... What are you doing here at this time?" He asked her.

" Did you see yoshi?" She asked him out of breath.

"No... I didn't see him" He replied.

"When did you saw him last?" Jisoo ask and hold his shoulder.

"I saw him going home with yeonjun" He replied.

"Yeonjun? Do you know where is his home? " She asked as jihoon nodded. Since jihoon is the class president, he know about all student.

Jihoon wrote the adress on a paper and handled it to Jisoo. Jisoo thanked him and ran to the adress.

After a while she reached yeonjun home. It's already dark when she reach there. She press the calling bell hardly and someone opens the door. Her eyes widened by seeing the person in front of her.

"I was waiting for you" Taehyung said to jisoo as her eyebrow curved.

"Where is yoshiii?" Jisoo pushed him away and get into his home.

"Don't worry he is okay" He replied.

"I asked you where is he... It's not time to play like this" She said. Tae didn't said anything instead he walked to somewhere as jisoo followed him.

"Noonaaa" Yoshi called her once she saw her. Jisoo ran and hugged him.

"What happened to you? Where were youuuu?" She then get off from the hug. Tae looked at her with concern, because she is sweating hardly. He can sense that she ran to here.

"Noona... While we're walking to home, a motor cycle came straight to us and it's about to hit Yoshi but that time tae hyung came and pulled him. But somehow he fell on the ground and his knees got injured." Yeonjun said to jisoo as she looked at his wound and caressed.

"Is it hurting?" She asked.

"No noona. Not at all. On correct time hyung put medicine on it. I'm ok now. But there is a little pain." Yoshi said by looking at tae. Jisoo quietly stand beside him.

"Ok.. Now let's go home. Your mom is waiting for you" She said as Yoshi nodded.

At time minseon came holding 3 cup of hot chocolate.

"Who is this tae? Is it yoshi's sister?" She asked as tae nodded.

"Why don't you told me then, I didn't prepared for her. Wait I'll come now" She is about to go back kitchen but jisoo stopped her.

"No.. I don't want it. I mean we're going now" Jisoo said in a stern voice.

"But Yoshi want this, he is really tired from all of this" His mom said.

"Yeah.. Noona..." Yoshi was about to say something but jisoo cut his words.

"No yoshii.I already told you, your mom is waiting there and if we late the after consequence is very worst for me so" She said the last words in law voice as Yoshi nodded.

"Aunty, I'm sorry but I've to go with noona." Yoshi said and tae mom nodded.

"Taehyungaa, then bring them to their home, it's already dark" His mom said to him.

"There is no need for that. We can go by ourselves." Jisoo said.

His mom were about to say something but tae looked at her and nodded as 'No.

Yoshi then said bye to them and suddenly hugged tae.

"Thankyou so much for today hyung." He said as tae caressed his hair.

"You don't need to say thankyou boy. I will always there for you like a big brother and you're like yeonjun to me. So dont say things like this" Tae smiled at him. Jisoo's eyes widened by seeing this.

After sometime jisoo left with yoshi.

"Yoshii.... If you're going to somewhere, please inform me at right time, ok? You know how much I tensed about you?" Jisoo said to him while walking.

"I'm sorry noona. It was really unexpected. I was just going to the near by store with yeonjun and it's all happened. Also tae hyung said he dont have your number and i don't know your and mom's number that's why I didn't call you. I'm really sorry for this mess noona. It'll never happen again, I promise or I'll definitely call you" He said as jisoo nodded her head and kissed his forehead.

Jisoo then call a cab and they went to home.

"Why... Why it's always him? Why God always taking his side? Even God is hating me now"
Jisoo thought and the strong wind reduced her sweat drops.

Jisoo and Yoshi saw a lot of people and some police mans in their home once they reach there. Yoshi ran to his mom and hugged her. He then explains all the matter which happens and the police mens left their home.

At tae side

It's been hours tae is dancing in his bed. He can't get a better position to sleep. Somehow he is not sleepy at all so he decided to go to his mom's room.

He saw his mom is reading a book while caressing sleeping yeonjun once he entered her room. His mom smiled to him and called him to lay there.

"What happened to you boy? Don't you getting any sleep?" She asked.

"I don't know why mom!!I can't sleep" He replied as he lay on her lap.

"Tae... Who is that girl? She didn't even thank you for helping yoshi also she didn't have any expression in her face." She said.

"Yk what mom, she is like that always. Also she is a girl with hands and feet exposed to sulfuric acid. She is that dangerous." He said as she smiled.

"You're so funny tae. What is her name then? " She asked.

"Jisoo, Kim jisoo" He said.

"Jisoo?" She asked and did a confusing face.

"Did you know her before mom?" He said.

"No. But feel like I saw her somewhere." She said. After sometime tae drifted to sleep in his mom's lap.


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