chap 16

252 21 5

After some days

"Unniee, did you packed your things?" Jennie asked while drinking her cold coffee.

"Yeahhh.... It's almost done" Jisoo replied as she look at the maknaes. They're so sad rn.

"I think we miss you two, in this camp. Right jen?" Jisoo sighed.

"100%!" Jennie said.

"Yaahhh.... That's ok. Just enjoy there okay? My dad said Nami island is so beautiful. There so much to see" Lisa said to change their sad mood.

"Yaahhh.... Lisa is correct" Rosie smiled widely.

"Dad also used to say about Nami island. It's really beautiful" Jisoo said with a concerned face.

"And there is cycle riding too... Chuu it's your favourite" Jennie said happily.

"Unnie.... Be careful, okay?" Lisa said to the elders as they nodded and the discussion about the camp is continued.

Somewhere in the school..

"Tae...this is your best chance make her fall in love with you" Yoongi said.

"That's correct tae, you can do this" Hobi continued.

"I know that and I'll try my best. But what if she didn't talk to me? " Tae said as he lowered his head.

"Don't think too much tae. You just have to complete a bet. It's not a universal exam." Yoongi said.

"I know hyung. But its been a month I'm walking behind her. But she didn't even look at me, i mean not even a glance. I think I've to give up on her." Tae said out of blue. Yoongi, hobi and jk look at him surprisingly.

"Nooo.... Just give her time tae. My heart is saying everything will be okay after this camp. Trust me." Yoongi caressed him. As the rest of them nodded.

"Hyung i would continued this if I'm little affectionate to her. But yk what, i don't like to see her face. If I didn't involved in this dare I wouldn't even look at her, I wouldn't even know her existence" Tae raised his voice in frustration.

"That night, but before you accepting the bet from suho i told you don't do this. But you just ignore my words and now you're saying you're giving up. If you just heard my words that time then you'll never face this circumstances. Now you've to finish this or you'll kicked out from here" Yoongi raised his voice. Tae lowered his head in sad. Suddenly jk came and hugged him.

"Everything will be okay, don't worry" He whispered to him. Then hobi and yoongi joined them and did a group hug. Tae felt a little relief.

"What I just miss?" Jimin ran from somewhere and joined them. The boys looked at each other.

"Nothing jim. Our kookie is so sad that he will be alone for two days" Yoongi said as they get off from the hug. Tae looked at yoongi and he winked tae.

"Yeahh... He was really silent all the time" Tae said by smiling.

"Don't worry kookie...." Hobi caressed him. Kookie pouted at his words.

"How can the professors plan like this? I mean most of the time 10,11 and 12 std students do their camping together. Why they remove 10th?" Jimin asked.

"I was thinking the same thing." Yoongi said.

"Yaahh.... Why are you talking about this, don't you ever think what will I do here without youuu!! " Jk raised his voice.

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