part 23

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Jisoo slowly opened her eyes by feeling an thumb hitting in her shoulder.
"It's your stop"
The driver said. Jisoo nodded with her half opened eyes.

She was sleeping through the whole ride.
She slept hardly after a long time.

She came out from the bus and took a deep breath. She missed gongjin's scent.
"Heaven" She murmured.

After walking for sometime she reached her halmi's home.

After walking for sometime she reached her halmi's home

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It's her mom's mom. In her childhood she used live here. She is the one who feed jisoo in her born time. Jisoo grow in her lap and eating her food. She always thankful to her halmi for making her strong and healthy.

In here she is not that serious jisoo who always maintain her poker face. She is like a little baby to her halmeoni. She always act childish in front of her and gongjin.

When jisoo enter into her home she saw her halmi sitting in a chair inside her house. Without making any sound she took off her shoes and went inside.

Walking slowly she covered halmi's eyes with her hands. She giggled silently.

"Jisooo?" Halmeoni said by touching her hands.

"How that happen!?" Jisoo pouted by taking her hands.

"Whatt!! Are you real? Why are you come this time? Are you fine? How did you came here?" She shooted jisoo with a lot of qstn.

"Calm down my pretty lady. I'm fine. I just felt like seeing you and i came here" Jisoo said by squishing her chubby cheeks.

"My baby" With that halmeoni hugged her tightly. She teared up a little.

"Are you crying" Jisoo teased her but her eyes too teared up a little.

"Yoouuu!!! Why are you came this time? What if something happen to you" Halmi said by slapping her arm.

"I'm not a kid!!" Jisoo mocked.

"You're always kid for me" Halmi said by caressing her.

At the time they walked to the kitchen, jisoo is sticking to her. Halmi smiled at her.

As soon as she entered to the kitchen her eyes sparkled.
"Woahh!!! I'm gonna eat a lot today" Jisoo said by looking at the dishes.

"Yahh!! First go and fresh up, then eat" Halmi said.

"I love youuu" Jisoo said by kissing her cheek hardly.

Then she began to go to the bathroom.
"Why did you make this much food today? Did your heart say I would come today?" Jisoo asked by taking her dress.

"Eunwoo was here. He told me to cook all of this, since he like my food alot. He just left before a minute" Halmi said.

Jisoo nodded in realisation and went to fresh up.

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