[63] something they need

Start from the beginning

Katie scoffed, "One of us? Please, you're not one of us."

I stopped on the stairs. Since I was ahead of her, she had to stop too. 

I kept my eye on the target, knowing that I needed to play my cards right. 

"Am I not?" I turned to where I was looking up at her. The three steps in between us gave her leverage. "You said it yourself," I started to climb back to where we would be eye level. "Negan's given so much to me. I can't take that for granted."

She narrowed her eyes. "Wasn't it just last week you tried to stab Negan with the heel of your shoe?" 

"We all have our brief moments of insanity." I shot back. "And look at it from my view, the man that I loved had just left me here and I took all of the blame for helping him escape."

"Loved? As in past tense?" Katie cocked her head smugly. "Seems awfully quick to get over someone."

I copied her, "You're one to talk. You went through five boyfriends in three weeks if I recall correctly."

"Wouldn't have called them boyfriends, necessarily." She crossed her arms.

"Well, then, neither was Daryl." I kept my glare.

"Hm," Katie nodded, motioning to the rest of the stairs in front of us, "After you."


JJ and Katie spotted Eugene walking out of one of the cells, locked by a guard behind him. 

"Eugene." Katie called loudly. "JJ here needs to speak with you. Some kind of science bullshit."

JJ rolled her eyes, "It's about how kinetics and mass transfer can play into what you're doing with making bullets."

"Well, I'm perpetually game for some science chatter, no doubt about it. 'Specially when we're delving into the nitty-gritty of how kinetics and mass transfer dance together in the realm of chemical processes." 

Katie looked disgusted. "I'll be at the stairwell, waiting, if you need me."

"So, JJ, reckon where we oughta kick off this here scientific powwow?"

JJ crossed her arms, "Who's in the cell?"

Eugene's face fell, "I beg your pardon?"

"Who's in the cell that you wanted to see? Is it someone from Alexandria?"

"I'm completely lost in the sauce, don't have a clue what you're talking about."

JJ gritted her teeth out of anger, grabbing his arm and pulling him to his room, shutting the door and standing in front of it. "Eugene, I will not ask you again. Who is in the cell?"

He sighed, "it's Sasha."


"Mhm, she busted in last night, aiming to off Negan. Needless to say, mission was a failure."

JJ scrunched her brow, "What are they gonna do with her?"

"He's fixin' to throw her a lifeline, a sort of plea deal, if you catch my drift, an offer to come join his ranks." Eugene told her. 

"Wait, Negan's trying to convince her to join the saviors?"

"Yep, and she'd be dumber than a sack of hammers not to jump at that chance. I did. And by the looks of it, so did you."

JJ shook her head, moving on, "What if she refuses?"

"Wouldn't be the brightest notion."

"You'd let something happen to her?" JJ asked in disbelief. 

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