Veer, holding back tears, nods in agreement.

Bela: We're in this together. We'll find them, no matter what.


Ritik struggles with lighting up the fire in the cold jungle night. Shivanya watches, amused, as he makes multiple attempts.

Shivanya: Need some help there, Ritik?

Ritik: Why are you calling me by my name? I'm your boss!

Shivanya: (chuckles) Oh, come on, Ritik. In the jungle, everyone's equal. Even the fire seems to disagree with your boss status.

Ritik just shake his head.

Shivaya : What are you doing R-i-t-i-k ?

Ritik:  Yeah yeah, I am doing a fire challenge.

Shivanya raises an eyebrow.

Shivanya:  Fire challenge? Is that a thing now?

Ritik: Absolutely. It's an ancient survival technique. The fire just needs to recognize my determination.

Shivanya chuckles and grabs a stone.

Shivanya: Maybe the fire recognizes mine better. Let me give it a shot.

Ritik looks at her with mock offense.

Ritik: Oh, you think so, huh? Let the fire decide!

Shivanya chuckles and tries to light the fire with that stone but accidentally hurts her hand. Ritik rushes to her side.

Ritik: Careful, Shivanya! Let me see your hand.

He gently takes her injured hand.

Shivanya: It's just a small cut, Ritik. I'll be fine.

Still he takes out his handkerchief and gently cleans and ties her injured hand. Their eyes meet for a moment

Ritik: There you go, all patched up. ( Smiled)

Shivanya: Thank you, Ritik. I'll be more careful.

Ritik smiles as he goes back to his seat.

Ritik:  No problem. Safety first in the wild jungle, right?And Now, let's focus on getting that fire started.


Veer lays on Mahir's lap, the clock ticking past 1 am. Mahir gently strokes his hair, concern in his eyes.

Mahir: Veer, you need to get some sleep. We've done all we can for tonight.

Veer: (stubborn)I can't sleep, bhai. I need to know if the police found anything about bhai and Shivanya di.

Mahir sighs, continuing to comfort his younger brother.

Mahir: We've already filed the complaint, Veer. The police will do their best. You staying awake won't change that.

Veer: (looking up at Mahir ) But what if something's happened to them? I can't just sit here.

Mahir cups Veer's face gently.

Mahir: We're doing everything we can. Right now, you need rest. We'll get updates in the morning.

Veer, reluctantly, nods and closes his eyes.

Veer:  Promise you'll wake me up the moment we hear anything?"

Mahir: I promise, Veer. Now, try to get some sleep. I'm right here.

The room is filled with a comforting silence as Veer drifts off as Mahir also sleep patting his hair.


Ritik gazed at the night sky, a distant look in his eyes. Sensing his melancholy, Shivanya approached, asking, "What's wrong?"

Ritik sighed, "I miss my brothers."

Shivanya, placing a comforting hand on his shoulder, reassured him, "We'll find a way out of here, Ritik. No matter what, we'll get back to them. The night sky might seem vast, but our determination is stronger."

Ritik nodded in understanding and asked her"Tell me about your family, Shivanya," to which she replied, "I don't have any family I grew up as an orphan."

Ritik looked at her surprised and concerned.

 "My only brother passed away in an accident," she revealed, her gaze lingering on the distant memories.

 "Meeting Veer, it's like having my brother back. If he were alive, he might be around Veer's age." 

Ritik understood her feelings, realizing that being with Veer had reignited a connection akin to the one he shared with his own brother.

Ritik consoled Shivanya, saying, "You're not alone, Shivanya. Veer is like a brother to you and that means you're family too. And, um, well, you know, there's something more... I..." He paused, a bit "I care about you a lot, Shivanya."

                            To be continued........

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