Chapter 19- When Will it End? Answer: RIGHT NOW!

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Kyaroru's P.O.V~
"WAKE UP, YOU USELESS PIECE OF CRAP!" My Mom screams from outside my bedroom door. The room wasn't much- it was just a bit below average sized room, with a bed that had my legs dangling off of the end, and a drawer to keep my clothes in. I groaned and got up, trudging over to the drawer. In a minute I was dressed, and I went to the dining room. "What's the first chore?" I asked timidly. "Get the paper from outside," my Dad grunted, barely glancing at me from the food he was wolfing down. I ran out to the mailbox and got the paper. Finally going back into the house, I handed the paper to my father, who took it and slapped me across the face with it. Mom sat a small plate with 5 tiny pieces of bacon on the wooden table, and motioned for me to sit down, by shaking her hand violently with a glare. 5 tiny pieces of bacon? So much for 'breakfast.' Oh well. "Thank you," I said, trying my best to fake a smile. All she did was shoot me a glare, and I proceeded to munch on the bacon.
"What next?" I inquired, washing our plates and mugs. Dad handed me a paper. "Here, now begone before we get the paddle," he snarled. My eyes widened and I quickly went to do my chores.
- 6 Hour Timeskip -
I sprawled onto my bed, glancing at my phone. Maybe Sniper would call? Spy? They probably would when the base is repair--
My phone screeched it's ringtone. I picked it up and answered, "Hello?"
"KYARORU I HAVE GREAT NEWS!" Sniper shouts, popping my ear drum. "What?" I replied, "My break's almost over!" "We can go back to the base, it's been repa--" I cut him off, "I can't, remember?" "Yes you can, because of this!" I hear a click, and suddenly my 'parent's' screams are heard, bit they die down, along with gunshots. "WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO?!" I scream. That's when I overhear Soldier's laugh, "AH HAHA!! GUNS!" "God, Sniper, what got into you?" I calmly say into the phone.

"I just... I just miss you, okay?" Sniper replied, sorrow tinging his voice. I quickly hop up and exit my room, looking at the almost lifeless bodies of my 'parents.' They look at me, as if they expected me to call an ambulance. "Please..." My dad mumbles, but I sharply reply. "HAH! After all the threats, beatings - I glare at my mom -, and BARELY feeding me? I don't think so. Oh, by the way, I won't miss you." I then turn and walk out of the house, to be greeted by a warm hug from Sniper, who picked me up bridal style and sat me in his van.

"What made you come up with that idea anyway?" I asked as he started the car and calmly drove down the street. "Sweet Sheila, that's only for me to know," Sniper laughed.
"You're insane," I joked.
"I know," he chuckled.
"But I love ya for it," I reply, but I instantly slam my hand over my mouth. "Uhhh, I mean-"
"No, Sheila, I love you, too." He replied.
"Are we a thing?" I asked.
"We're a thing," he replied as I sat next to him.
OOH! They're a thing!
I was thinking about writing a lemon..... but I really only see it in x readers... BUT WHO CARES!!!! Hee hee, until next chapter.....

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2015 ⏰

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