Chapter 17- Surprise,Surprise...

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Kyaroru's POV~

My neck had been itching a lot ever since I explained to Sniper about my... Condition. We had enough stuff to worry about, and we didn't need more things to worry about. "Hey, I'm going to go take a nap, feel free to wake me up when you need me," I say to Sniper, heading toward the small couch. "Resting your head?" He asked briskly. "Yeah," I reply, barely any emotion in my voice. I laid down, pulled my sweater over my body, and drifted into a deep sleep.
I was in a damaged area. It was deserted, and I feared to even walk away from the area I stood in. I looked around and saw a car, the hood smashed into a wall. Then I realized, that wasn't just a car. IT WAS SNIPER'S VAN! I ran over and looked inside. He was nowhere to be found. "Aww, still the little push-over we know and love...."
"To push around."
I swiftly turn my head to encounter my mother's face in mine. "Just remember that the itches in your neck is a tracking device, and that if you won't come with us.." She looked over at my father, who held an unconscious Sniper in his muscled arms. "Leave him outta this!" I shouted, folding my hands into tight fists. "Why not, he's the only reason besides your other mercenary friends that you'd scale Mt. Everest for!" My father nods. "God, 'evil parents use best friend as blackmail,' cliche," I sigh. "You should not have said that," my evil mother mocked, and Sniper was thrown to the ground, revealing that a knife was lodged in his throat. I gaped at the gruesome sight.
- End of nightmare -
I jolted up, hugging anything in reach. That thing was Sniper, who I guess was trying to wake me up. Tears flowed down my face like a river as I clung onto him like a 5 year old. "I'm not gonna let them take you!" I wailed as he held me closer. "Let who take what?" He inquired, patting my matted hair. "Let my parents take you!" I replied, hiccuping. Then there was a knock on the door. "How convienent.." I sighed, still choked up. I reached over and grabbed the spear I used to scare away that kid. "What are you doing?" I asked as Sniper stood and strut towards the door. "Are you CRAZY?" I added quickly. My eyes felt roasted from my crying. He slowly opened the door, and I aimed my spear so that I could get a precise hit if my so called 'parents' were the ones there.

Sniper's P.O.V ~
I glanced at Kyaroru as she readied the hunting spear. I felt sorry for her as I took a good look at her puffy eyes and flushed face. I turned my head from her and slowly opened the door. I stopped when I could see a friendly man's face. "What do you need?" I asked quietly, refraining from looking at Kyaroru. A woman, also bearing a friendly face replied with, "Well, our daughter went missing a while ago.. We've been asking around, have you seen her?" She stopped. To me, they both looked they do - or did - drugs. "Well, what's her name? What does the Shelia look like?" I asked to confirm that these were her parents. "Her name is Kyaroru, and she has brown/blonde hair, gray eyes, and was surprisingly tall, 5" 5'." She explained. I heard shifting in the room as Kyaroru moved toward the door, crouching a bit. "Who they?" She asked, her voice sounding squeaky as she peeked her head out.
"DON'T FOOL US!" The dad screamed, and pulled me out, and slowly took a knife and held it against my neck.

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