Chapter 6- Training

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"Alright, chickie," Scout said, "Let's get t' training, m'k?" I nodded in reply. "Gotta speak to me," he said. Scout had so much freakin' confidence he was snobby. "Alright, alright, let's start," I replied.

"See these figures here? Of course ya' do, they're in front of ya'! One of them will flash, that's the Spy. All three will go down and go back up. What you need to do is to guess which one the BLU Spy is," he concluded his statement, and I steadied, saying, "A'iight, lest do dis." He laughed and pressed a button. A blue Spy flashed, and they went down. I focused and they popped back up. I recongized the Heavy and Medic figures, but the Scout one I didn't. "The Scout is a Spy," I finally stated. He nodded and said ," You're off to a good start."


I was doing well. I only got one wrong because I was going into LaLa Land. The rest were easy as fuuuuck. All I had to do was remember the others and pick the one I didn't see.

"Scout, how can you really tell if you were, say, actually fighting?" I asked after we sat down. "Easy, just remember where your team mates are going, and if you see them outta position, stab em'." I didn't take his advice. I've been having headaches often, so I might want to relax and just go with the flow. I'm going with Heavy tomorrow, so I'll be sure see what's up with my head hurting all the time.

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