Chapter 12~ Victory and a Wild Party

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Sniper's POV~
I walked out of my room and glanced at Kyaroru putting something under her pillow. "Hey, you ready?" She asked me, jumping off her bed. "You betcha!" I replied, feeling my cheeks grow hot. "Let's gooooo!!!" She cheerfully said, and rushed to the garage. I followed shortly after glancing one more time at her pillow, seeing a small thing of yellow. "3...2...1... Get to the control points!" The announcer said over the intercom, and Kyaroru was already climbing up my sniping spot. "What's with you being so excited?" I asked. She shrugged and I handed her a smaller sniper rifle.

Kyaroru's POV~
I held the rifle in my hands and payed close attention when Sniper gave me directions. "So ya hold th' gun like this, and look through this glass," he instructed, tapping the glass in front of my eye. I did so and he then said, "Alright, now take a look-see for any BLU team members, if ya do, take aim and fiyah," He concluded. "How do I know I have precise aim?" I asked. "You should see a cross in the glass, when you see it line up with the enemy's head, shoot." Sniper answered. "A'iight," I said, and we stayed silent so I could focus. My head was starting to hurt, so when I found a BLU Team member, I focused my energy and made him freeze in place. I took my time to line his head up with the middle of the glass, and shot him dead. "Nice work!" Sniper complemented as I let him have a turn with his rifle. I turned around so that I could look out for any spies that decided to show up. I grabbed a few kills and so did he. We saved each other from spies who, infortunetly for them, made an appearance to our vision. Our team won, and we celebrated by Demo shooting bombs into the air, and Sniper and me shooting them, causing a small makeshift firework show. We all congaed around the fire Pyro made, cooked some s'mores, ate them happily, and even drank a little. I had a shot, too!

Gah, what can I say? It was one of those days where you forget your terrible past and just...


( Photo was from Cupcakes, credit to MisterDavey, btw this does not signal the finish of the story, it signals the awesome party because of it's design! ^_^ )

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