Chapter 3- Kyaroru Meets Sniper

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Sniper's P.O.V-

My voice must have startled the poor girl, because I heard movements, and then boxes came crashing down, revealing her face. She then turned and saw me and backed away, threatened. "It's okay, girlie," I say, trying to calm her down. It was obvious that she's sensitive as hell. The girl seemed to be at least a little calm by the sound of my voice, because her eyes were relaxed.

"D-don't...hurt me..." She whimpered quietly, but I heard her and replied, "Don't worry, I won't. I promise."

Kyaroru's P.O.V-

I look at him. At least he promised to not hurt me, right? He helped me up, and smiled. "Sniper's the name," he said. His voice was rough-ish. "Kyaroru," I said, and then smiled. He looked kinda surprised, because this was the first crack in the armor that he'd seen. "Mind helping me with the Intelligence, mate?" he asked. "Sure, that board thing might not recongize me," I said, and picked up the briefcase.

"True," he replied, and took out a gun. I wasn't scared to his surprise, because this was to defend me. I trusted him. We ran out of the building and got the Intelligence to his base. "Just asking, but what's so important about this 'intelligence?'" I asked. "It's important info about the othah team," Sniper replied. "BLU Team's a bunch ah' wankers, though." He added with a tone that said 'I hate the BLU Team.'

Suddenly another man who was invisible ( Spy, but I like to call him the French Smartass XD ) appeared behind Sniper. His clothes were red, so I thought he was on the RED Team. "Sniper, you know this guy?" When I asked, he turned and shot the guy, and his clothes turned blue. Before he died, The guy gave me an 'I hate you' look. Probably because I gave him away, heehee.

The round ended, and Sniper had told me about all the team mates and their names. I don't know why, but I have a sense that Sniper likes me a lot. I kinda do, too. But whatever. We went back to the lobby, where I met the others. They're pretty chill about having a girl around. They said I had a good sense and could help them a lot.
It feels good to not be worthless for a change. I was always abused at home, maybe something sent me here for a break from my living hell.

Sniper's P.O.V-

I brought Kyaroru back to the lobby so she could meet the others. They were pretty hyped, even Spy. For some odd reason, Spy actually volunteered to show her around, and I agreed. I didn't see her fo' the rest the the day, though. The base is pretty damn big, so it takes a couple of hours.

Medic had patched me up and talked to me about Kyaroru later on. He advised that even though I had feelings for her, to treat her like my kin. I'll try my best, I guess. I'll protect her.

If Spy has feelings for Kyaroru, I'd fight him to the bloody death. No one will take her away from ME.

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