Chapter 10- Battle Time!

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I feel a slight touch on my nose, and then someone starts to tickle me. "What?" I ask groggily as my eyes flutter open. Then I see Sniper. "Guess what!" He says. "Whaaaaaaaat," I say in a cute tone. "We're goin' on a mission, and you're comin' with!" He pulled me out of my bed and rushed out, then closed the door. I mutter a curse word as I stare at the drawer. My head was still hurting, and I thought, 'Should I tell Medic?' But decided against it. I'll live. Suddenly, like an instinct, I focused on the drawer, and the one for my shirt flew open. The pain in my head was gone.

( Ye, I'm adding telekineses in, deal with it )

I got dressed and walked out, where Sniper was patiently waiting. We walked down and saw everyone standing there. Sniper gave me a knife. "Use this," he whispered. The garage door opened and we dashed out. Guns fired and I remembered my first day here. "Get the intelligence!" a female said. I knew exactly where it was. I readied the knife and ran, trying to stay out of plain sight. I succeded, and dashed silently into the base. A beep ran through the hall and cut my soul into pieces. I looked and saw an Engineer with his sentry. "What're ya doin' here, kid?" He said darkly, and the sentry started to fire fast bullets. I screamed and ducked, but the sentry stopped working right when it fired more bullets and a missle. "GAHHHHH!!!" I screamed as I jumped and sped through the hall.

I kept running, while small bullets pelted my arms and legs, right at the first layer, some cutting into the second. I looked behind me and saw the missle. I took my instinct and dived, right as it cut all three layers of my foot and blew up, causing more damage to my left leg. I breathed heavily, and tried not to cry as I peeked at my leg, blood oozing and some parts of my bone showing. I tried to stand up, but I failed and ended up crawling to the intelligence room.

When I got there, my entire body noped out and I sprawled out onto the floor. Then I looked up to our Heavy scream, "DOCTOR!" I was suddenly scared. "Ja- oh mein Gott." I looked up and said, "Huh?" "You don't notice the gaps in your leg?" Medic asked. "I do, it's just that I don't care. We needed the intelligence so I'm here." We all smiled as Medic healed me. "Thanks, Medic!" I said. "No problem, fraulein." He replied. I ran in and grabbed the intel. "Got it!" I said. I pulled it off the table and ran out with Heavy and Medic. "I aquire assistance!" Medic shouted, and Demo came and fired sticky bombs at the people chasing us. We reached our base eventually. Everyone cheered as we slammed the intelligence on the table. Later on, we went up to our rooms.


I heard the door creak open as I was playing catch with myself. Lightly throwing it up and catching it one last time, I looked over and saw Sniper. "Hey, Sniper!" I said, sitting up. "You were great out there, Kyaroru," Sniper said, and sat on the edge of my bed, "For your first mission. AND you got the intelligence!" he added. "Yeah, but I had to get help because I got blown up. Well, only my leg but it still counts!" I laughed. "Yeah, but still, you grabbed the intelligence and ran through like a trooper." Sniper replied. "I saw you run by the sidelines. Nice stragety!" He added. "Thanks," I answered, fist pumping him. He pulled me into a hug, making my cheeks go a little red. "We got another mission tomorrow, wanna snipe with me?" He asked. "Would I!" I replied quickly. "Alright, see ya then." Sniper said and left my room.


( I'm sorry I just had to put the picture there. )

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