He gripped the bread between his lips eagerly. His lips wrapped around my fingers as he took a big bite.
" too sweet ?" He asked with that smirk of his.
I stayed silent and picked up a pain au chocolat and peeled it apart.

" Are you excited to meet your new team then?" Damon asked as we both were finishing up. Just drinking our coffee as the restaurant started to become a little busier.
" I am, I just hope I get on with them like I did with my london team" I said honestly.

" I wouldn't worry, they will all love you"
I hope so.

After we finished our breakfast, Damon took my hand and led me through the streets. We jumped on a train and headed for the location, where my new office was going to be.

Damon placed his hand on my back and forced me to walk into the building. The office was on a busy street, lined with more business buildings and small restaurants in the heart of paris.

I walked up to the desk with my head high, i felt Damon stay behind me.

" Hello, My name is Skylar I'm here to meet Lauren Silve from Engage Media" I said to the man behind the reception desk.

" You're here!" I turned and noticed a tall blonde women push open the door and stride over to me.

"Pleasure to meet you Skylar, please please follow me"
She smiled brightly at me and turned on her heel. Only she paused and turned back around again.
She leaned forward " Is the hunk with you?"

I turned and found Damon standing up straight, his arms behind his back as he looked on with interest. " Yeah sorry, He can stay here in the lobby if that works better" I said.

She shook her head. " He's more than welcome, please follow us " She called over to Damon.

Damon pushed off his heel and walked towards us. He stood to the side and let me take control of the conversation which I really liked.

" Okay so this is our office building. You might realise that it looks a lot like the London one but we've also added a parisian flair to it"

I looked around and I could see the flair she was referring to. It was simple, elegant but most importantly practical.

" It's lovely, very similar to our london office like you said" Lauren smiled.

" Well let me bring you in to meet the team, we're all quite excited"

I couldn't help but feel a sense of pride. I knew that our company would only hire good people. People that carried the same values and who believed in the company.

I was about to step with Lauren but Damon slipped his arms around my waist.

" Go ahead baby, I'll wait for you here" I turned around to face him. I saw that gentle smile on his lips.

" Don't go anywhere?"

He smiles. " Without you, of course not"

Damon kissed me lightly before letting go of me. I walked up to Lauren who was looking at something on her phone.

" How long have you two been together?" Lauren asked as we headed into the lift. I smiled.
" Not long, but we've known eachother for a very long time" I told her.

She hummed. " That's beautiful. I met my husband when i was young too"

I turned to her. " Do you have any children?" I only asked since she was a little older than me.
" 2 little girls yes" I loved seeing the way her eyes lit up when speaking about her children.
" and you"

I snapped my head up to look at her. " what, your man looks like that and you haven't made him give you a child?"
Children. I haven't even thought about that yet. Let alone with Damon.

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