Chapter 1 Percys POV

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Disclaimer: there will be cursing. All rights go to Uncle Rick. This is my first fan fiction so please be nice but you can give feedback. Hope you enjoy. :)

"I'm good." I say for the thousandth time after being asked "Are you ok?" A thousand times. Truth was no. I felt like crap and had felt that way since Tar... that place. Every since getting out, my head pounds and my stomach aches. I hadn't been able to sleep well and always woke up in a cold sweat. I also rarely ate.

It's been a week since we won the war. 3 weeks since that place.

Annabeth was better while I pretended to be. Smile at people, laugh and joke. I pretended everyday, but Grover was the only one who saw through. Leo was dead though. He left a hole in our group, one that could never be filled, and I knew his death was my fault. All mine. I couldn't convince him not to. His death was my fault.

Everyone else tried to move on. We decided every Friday we would do a game night, Jason, Piper, Hazel, Frank, Grover, Juniper, Reyna, Thalia, Annabeth, and I. We invited Nico too but he was being stubborn and didn't want to come.

Now it was Friday. After dinner, which I didn't eat, we headed over to Grover and Junipers house. Everyone played games like Monopoly and trivia. By we, I mean everyone except me. I just played it off as being tired and no one questioned anything.

At the end of the night, right before curfew, everyone was gone except Frank, Hazel, Grover, Juniper, Annabeth, and me. We helped clean up because we Demi-gods can make a mess.

I started to feel sick. All day, everyday, I had felt nauseous but now, I felt like I acidly was going to throw up.

"Percy are you ok? You look sick." Grover asked. Everyone turned to look at me as I muttered excuses about feeling tired.

"You sure man?" Frank asked. Great now everyone was concerned.

"Ya I'm fine." I went back to sweeping and then run to the bathroom. I start throwing up in the toilet as Frank and Annabeth enter behind me.

"Percy are you ok?" Annabeth was concerned.

"Ya I'm fine, I just ate too much."

"Percy, you only ate a bit." Annabeth was more concerned now.

"I had food before Annabeth. I'm fine, really."

"Ok man. Feel better." Annabeth and I walk out the door and walk to my cabin.

"Are you sure your ok? Demi-gods don't get sick Percy."

"I'm fine. Every since That Place I've felt a little sick. It's fine."

"Percy it's not fine, that was 3 weeks ago. In the morning go talk to will." Annabeth was concerned. That's why I had wanted to keep it hidden.

"No I'm fine."

"Seaweed brain, talk to will in the morning." And with that Annabeth walked away towards her cabin.

Was the Length ok. This is my first Fan Fiction so please give some feedback. Comment if you want me to make another part.

Percy Jackson, sick after TartarusWhere stories live. Discover now