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"so, what happened?" heeseung looked at you as you walked towards the car, he seemed concerned
you rolled your eyes "colson targeting me again"
"hold on, are you being serious?" he looked really pissed off, you looked down and saw him clenching his fist, you sighed and nodded.

"y/n, you need to tell me exactly what happened, did he beat you up? i swear to god he's fucking-"

"he didn't beat me up, hee" you rolled your eyes and looked at him "i was feeling really unwell because i didn't eat breakfast, my stomach was hurting and i had a really bad headache, i went to ask the teacher if i could sit out and he threw the ball straight at my head, i heard him and his friends burst out laughing so i know it was on purpose"
"slow down, so he hit you with the ball on purpose?"
"did anything else happen?"

you nodded "the teacher asked jae-sung to take me to the office, but then the new kid-"

"remember what i said? i said to avoid that kid, and you didn't listen did you? i told you he was no good, now he's hurt y-"
it was starting to piss you off how heeseung always assumed that riki was just like colson, because he wasn't, you knew he wasn't

"oh my god HEESEUNG"

"i'm just telling the truth though"

"you're not letting me finish" you sighed "i've had problems with jae-sung, and riki knows that, he came over to see if i was okay, when he saw the teacher asking jae-sung to take me to the office he came over and said he would take me"


"because he's my friend?"

you saw him look at him, and then he looked annoyed "what are you wearing?"
fuck.. you thought, realising he had noticed you were wearing rikis hoodie

"um.. it's raining, so he gave me his hoodie because he didn't want me to get wet"

"is he your boyfriend?" you thought he was joking, but he was deadly serious, he seemed annoyed because you hadn't told him "y/n, you need to tell me stuff like this"

"heeseung, please can you stop assuming? i've known him for 2 days, he's not my boyfriend, he's just nice, he's not like other boys"

"whatever you say" heeseung took his keys out and unlocked the car, before opening it and getting into the drivers seat, "you feeling okay?"

"mhm, i just have a headache and feel kinda sick, but i'll be okay"

"get some rest when we get home, okay?"


{time skip}

when you got home, rest was the last thing you wanted to do, surprisingly
you grabbed a quick snack and some paracetamol to help with your headache, and sat on the couch
"are you at college today?" you looked at your brother, who was leaned back on the couch, on his phone "nope, skipping"
you rolled your eyes "you need to go, hee"
"yeah whatever" he said, not even looking back at you
"can we play mario kart?" you looked at him "pleaseee"
"fine, but you're meant to be resting"
you smiled and grabbed a controller, passing one to him
{time skip}

you'd been playing for hours, but then he turned to you "moms almost home, go upstairs and pretend to rest, she'll kill me if she knows i haven't made you rest"
"ugh, fine" you ran upstairs and got into bed, unlocking your phone, to see a new notification from instagram

"riki リキ started following you"

no way.. you thought

new kid
chapter 19
word count: 599
hi guys! i'm sorry this is a
short chapter, i didn't want to keep
you guys waiting any longer,
i just haven't really had the
energy to write, this one has been
in my drafts for a while
so i thought i'd just wrap it up and post it!
i've been pretty busy lately
so writing has pretty much been the
last thing on my mind
but i hope this chapter is okay!
love u guys 🩷

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