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"uhm, this is my first day, i didnt know where to go"

"did you get your notes down yet?" jae-sung let out a small laugh and you gently hit his arm, "stop that! and no, not yet, im just gonna try and get some down n-"

jae-sung quickly swiped your pen off your desk and held it in the air so you couldnt get it, he laughed as you struggled to get it back. "jae-sung! please just give it back" he laughed again, asher heard from across the room and shouted to him "jae-sung, stop being a dick, you know she'll start ranting about her gcses if you dont" they both laughed, jae-sung rolled his eyes and gave you your pen back.

mr hudson was stood by the door talking with the person who knocked, "right, theres a seat at the back next to jae-sung, in the middle, are you okay sitting there?" you heard this and it clicked that there was going to be a new student, you looked at the door, trying to see who it was, you eventually gave up because you couldnt see them.

"uh, yeah, that's fine i guess, i don't know anybody anyway" the voice spoke again, nobody had mentioned a new student, maybe he didn't show up to homeroom? or maybe he was someone form another class who had moved up to yours, you're in the top set, so its more likely to be that that a completely new student. you sighed, you hate when people get added to the class, most of them would probably just be disruptive and make fun of the "quiet kids".

noah came over and started talking to you and jae-sung, "is there a new student or something? sir has been at that door for so long, he cant even remember the poor guys name" you laughed, "im not surprised to be honest, how many times has he gotten me and lea mixed up?" according to most teachers, y/n and lea look like sisters, even though you look nothing alike, "its just teachers and their eyes, they're getting old" jae-sung laughed, "when i first came here, i thought you and lea were sisters, y/n" you pulled a confused face "what? how?"

you heard the door close and mr hudson returned to his desk, you turned back around to face the front, but you saw someone you swore you'd never seen before.

he was pretty tall, around 6'1, you thought, that made a difference, because most of the boys in your class were still the same height as you or even shorter.

he had some really nice piercings, he had a helix piercing, one that youd been wanting for a while, but youre way too scared of needles to get one. his hair was wavy and black, like a curtains style. he had siren eyes, eyes you could easily get lost in, his jawline was so sharp it could probably cut through steel, and he had really full lips, you were honestly jealous of his lips. but there was one thing that stuck out the most to you, his moles, especially the one on his chin, they just complete his face perfectly, he was honestly the most pretty boy youd ever seen in your town, literally, all the others looked the same, dressed the same, they were like clones of eachother.

you just stared at him for a second, admiring his beauty, literally every feature of his was perfect, you were lost in your thoughts.

he caught you staring at him, he looked down at you as he walked past your desk and gave you a small smile, quickly looking away after. as soon as he looked at you you looked away, but then immediately looked back at him and saw his smile. you knew he wasnt looking but you smiled back, so you didnt seem rude.

he dropped his bag on the floor next to his desk and sat in his seat next to jae-sung, you realised he was sat directly behind you, and you felt on the spot in a way, like you wanted to impress him, but you werent sure how to, you thought he seemed like a cool guy, so you thought he'd pay attention to a girl who matched his energy more than someone who cares so much about grades. you just werent sure how you could impress him, and it was driving you mad.

"hey" he nudged jae-sung to get his attention, jae-sung turned to him, "hm?" he responded, a little intimidated, mostly by his height as jae-sung is our short 5'6 king.

"whats her name?" he pointed at y/n, who was sat directly infront of him, making notes in her book from the screen, completely clueless of the conversation going on behind you.

"oh! thats y/n, shes one of my best friends"


"yeah, y/n"


end of chapter 2<3

i feel like some of the structure in this chapter could be better, please let me know your thoughts!

jan 08, 2023 20:46pm

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