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the bell rung and the class wasted no time to leave, pushing to get out of the door, you sighed, putting your pen on the desk and putting your head in your hands, he probably hates me now, you thought, he probably thinks the same as all the others, that i'm just a fucking nerd for people to point and laugh at. mr hudson glared at you and walked out of the room, why was he leaving? you just didn't understand what was happening today, why were you acting different? why couldn't you just stand up for yourself instead of letting people walk all over you?


you ignored the voice, it was probably in your head, you didn't recognise the voice anyway, so it was no use.

you heard the chair beside you move, and someone sit down next to you, you looked up, and saw who it was, it was the new guy, the one that was talking to colson. but, for some reason, he didn't have a smirk on his face, like when someone was about to try and hurt her, instead, he had a glint of empathy in his eyes.

"y/n.. right"

"yeah, and you?" you felt slightly nervous as you weren't the best at talking to new people, your social anxiety was getting you you, your hands shaking a little bit, you hid them in your pockets.

"riki" he gave you a small smile, like he was trying to make sure you were okay.

"nice, how did you know my name though?"

"oh, your friend told me, i asked him, i thought you seemed like a nice person" you looked up at him more "really?" you couldn't believe someone actually bothered to ask who you were, it sounded dumb, but it was your self confidence, it didn't allow you to think you were worth anything.

"mhm.. anyways, who are those guys and why were they being so fucking rude?"

you sighed, not wanting to get upset infront of him, "they always do it, im their target" you looked away from him, scared he was trying to just make fun of you like the others did. "why are you here anyway? what did you do to get a lunchtime detention on your first day?"

he laughed and smirked slightly "they're the reason i'm here" you looked at him, confused

"but, what do you mean?"

he looked down at you "i saw the way they were treating you and it made me sick, they ripped a page out of your book when you weren't looking and tried to copy your handwriting, so it looked like it was you that did it, so i said something, and i'm here because i called them "fucking pathetic" even though that's what they are.

"w- you- really? you stuck up for me?"

"mhm, of course i did, it's not fair on you to have them treat you that way, and i don't care if people treat me the same for sticking up for you, i wanna be there for you"


end of part four:)

please let me know what you're thinking of the story so far, im sorry if this chapter has been boring, i've been noticing a drop in views, so i really need to know opinions on this story

wednesday, 11th january 2023, 22:27pm

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