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you remembered you forgot to eat breakfast this morning, and your stomach was hurting so bad, you stayed as close to the wall as possible to avoid getting hit, and also to avoid participating whatsoever
you could always grab a snack out of your bag when you're in the changing rooms, but that seemed like ages away
you looked up and saw riki, he was actually so good at sport, how are people good naturally?

"YES COLSON!!" you flinched again as you saw sean and caleb around him, and then you saw jae-sung walking to the bench, he must've got hit, you cracked a small smile and tried to wipe it off your face before you laughed
riki seemed to be getting kind of annoyed, as quite a few people had got out on your team, you did feel quite bad as you never tried in PE, but mainly because you've never played a sport and didn't wanna make a fool of yourself

you sighed and backed up a bit more, almost touching the wall when your teacher called to you "y/n, away from the wall"
you sighed and walked back onto the court, not feeling well at all
you looked over at the bench and saw asher laughing at you, he was so childish i swear
you looked back at riki, who was still focused on the game, how is he not tired?
you looked back and saw that it was just you and riki left on the team "fuck.." you thought, you didn't want him to get mad at you for not taking part, but your stomach was really hurting and you were getting a headache too

you decided to go to the teacher and ask them to sit out

"uhm, sir.."

"yes y/n?"

"please can i sit out? i don't feel-"

rikis pov:

for some reason i could see colson and his friends just stood talking, a few minutes ago they were taking out everyone on my team, why are they acting so unbothered now?

i turned around and saw it was just me and y/n left, i felt bad because i knew she didnt like PE, she looked like she wasnt feeling well either, i hope shes okay, i thought

i turned back and saw sean laughing, then caleb started laughing too, what was so funny? id just got 2 people out while they were talking, now it was just them left. i dont know if ill be able to win against 3 people, but i think ive done well

i looked over to see who was sat out on my team, because to be honest i couldnt remember anyones names, y/n had told me some peoples names yesterday when we were walking home. i could see asher and jae-sung, they werent talking, but they were both looking at me weird.

why dont they like me?

i havent done anything, right?

the feeling of them staring at me kind of put me off the game, because i can always tell when people stare at me, its weird but it makes me lose focus on what im doing, i just stood zoned out for a while. i instantly zoned back in when one of the dodgeballs flew past me, it nearly hit my shoulder, but i managed to dodge it.

then i heard them burst out laughing

i was confused because it didnt even hit me, was it the way i dodged it? theyre weird anyway, and, well, new kids always get called weird at first, so maybe thats why

"y/n are you okay?!?!" i heard one of the PE teachers say, i turned around and saw y/n holding the side of her head, she still didn't look well, but now she looked even worse

did they do that on purpose?

"oh god y/n are you alright?" i heard jae-sung say, i could still hear colson and his friends laughing, and asher too, he was such a hypocrite, if that happened to him he would be crying to the teachers, he thinks hes so great

it was weird because i was thinking all of this so quickly, as soon as i realised what happened i went straight over to her, i was so worried about her

jae-sung came over too, i dont know what he wanted

new kid {RIKINISHIMURA}Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant