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your pe teacher knew about your issues with colson and his friends so whenever you had group pe he'd let you pick a team, but there was a problem

colson would target you if you were on the opposite team, but riki would be able to see you playing if you were on colsons team, and you'd be so embarrassed (why?)
colson was in team A, and riki was in team B aswell as jae-sung and.. asher..
as much as you didn't want to get targeted by colson, you also didn't want riki to see you playing dodgeball, so you opted for team B.
as you walked over to your team you saw riki crack a small smile, but he quickly got rid of it, not wanting you to notice, you smiled back at him, not even acknowledging jae-sung

jae-sung's pov:

i smiled at y/n as i saw her join my team, she hadn't spoken to me in a while for some reason, she left the group chat yesterday, i thought that was really out of character for her, she usually tells me if something is wrong
who else would she have told?
i hope she doesn't think we're all mad at her

"hey y/n come here!" i called to her and waved as she looked at me, i expected to see her smile back at me but instead i was met with her scowling at me, like she did at people we didn't like

"what do you want?"

"uhm" i was a bit surprised, she's my best friend whys she being like that? i wasn't sure what to say
"i'm so glad you're on this team, asher is being so moody with everyone at the moment, because of the whole thing that happened yesterday-"

"okay, cool? i don't really care"
she turned around and walked over to that new kid, the one i sit by in english, whys she obsessed with him? i'm starting to see asher's point
i just miss my best friend
i don't want her to replace me
as soon as she went over to that guy, i saw her start smiling again, he smiled too

"thanks for choosing this team, i literally don't have anyone else" he laughed
"of course i'd choose this team! i don't have anyone else either"

what does she mean she doesn't have anyone else?
what about me?
she has me
i didn't argue with her, so why does she hate me?

"i really suck at dodgeball by the way so don't laugh at me" i heard her say to him, and they both started laughing
i sighed and took a step back away from them, if i act like i don't care, will she stop being like this?
"i'll laugh at you, i promise"
"no dont!"
she was already pissing me off
i saw that new kid look at me while he was smiling, it felt like he was doing it to see if i was pissed off, i was
i scowled at him, i know he won't take me seriously but he knew what he was doing

rikis pov:
i don't really know why jae-sung hates me, i haven't done anything to him
i think asher hates me too, but he's mad at y/n, so obviously i'm going to want to be there for her.
i couldn't really stop myself from worrying, it's really not a good feeling when you've been at a school for 2 days and you're already hated by your only friends entire friend group.
she seemed pretty happy with me, but nobody else really did.

i still wasn't really sure what was going on with my old friends, i guess i was trying to distract myself by hanging out with y/n.

i heard the whistle blow and the next thing i knew the game had started, i wasn't really prepared because i zoned out, i took a step back and took a deep breath before i joined in the game

y/ns pov:

you HATED dodgeball, and i mean HATED it, it was even worse when everyone on the other team were all the sporty kids, jae-sung wasn't good at PE, you weren't good at PE, you weren't sure about riki yet, or any of the others on your team

you kept behind other people so you didn't get hit, or just so you weren't out first, because that would've been embarrassing, you looked over at riki, he was actually really good, he had got sean and asher out, and some other kid who you don't really speak to.
caleb and colson were also really good at pe, you looked away for a second and then heard caleb laughing as a ball came straight for you, you managed to stop it from hitting you in the face by putting your arms infront of you, but it still counted as getting hit, so you walked over to the bench, sighing as you sat down there, putting your head in your hands.

you'd stayed up until 2am lastnight worrying about school, you weren't really sure why, but you just couldn't fall asleep, i guess maybe it was because of everything that happened the day before.
at least i have riki i guess

not long went by and riki was the only person left on your team, well the only one who really mattered because jae-sung was useless at dodgeball, he had to catch the ball and then everyone could go back into the game.
you'd started to zone out again, wondering what class you had next, "it's either history or art..." you had looked at your timetable before you left the house but you just couldn't remember.
i guess i could always ask riki

you were still trying to remember which lesson you had, "history or art.. what was-"

"YES RIKI!!" you flinched so hard when you heard the people on your team cheering for him and running back onto the court, it was those people who took PE way too seriously, but it still made you flinch.
you got back up and sighed, dragging your feet as you went back to your side of the court, you looked up and saw riki again, as you looked up he had literally just got caleb out, "thank god, hopefully he can get out colson next" you just didn't wanna be targeted by him, i mean, was that not obvious?

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