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you rolled over and hit snooze on your alarm. sigh, morning already? you couldn't even remember falling asleep.
you groaned, the tiny amount of sunlight coming through your curtains felt blinding. your arms tightened around your pillow as you buried your face into it.

"y/n, i swear to god" you heard your mums voice come from your door, you rolled over and looked at her "what?"

"it's 8am, you should be ready by now, you're still in bed for what reason?"

"8am??? shit!" you got out of bed as soon as you heard her say that, you thought you'd only closed your eyes for a second, but you'd actually been asleep for an extra half hour, she rolled her eyes and walked off "you're not getting dropped off today, you should've woken up earlier."

"wh- mum! i'll be late!"

"your fault" she closed your door and you sighed, god, what am i going to do?

8:15am rolled around quickly, the time you were meant to leave for school, you were 100% going to be late, you'd only just started styling your hair!

"y/n you seriously need to hurry up" you checked the time and it was already 8:30, you rushed out of the door without saying bye to anyone, there was no way you wanted a detention!

{rikis pov}:

i sighed as i slumped back in my seat, putting my headphones on as my mum started the engine, i opened spotify and hit shuffle on my playlist, i couldn't be bothered, i hate this new school, at least i'd see y/n i guess?

i shuffled my playlist, and the same song came on again, "shinunoga e wa", it keeps coming up whenever i shuffle play, i'm too tired though, i'll just keep it on.

i just sat there staring out of the window, i really miss my old school, i wish i could go back to japan, i miss my old friends
i haven't had time to even settle in, i've just been thrown into this new school and my mum expects me to be cool with it.
i wish dad didn't get that job opportunity
my new school was okay, y/n is nice, but i'd still rather be in japan

"that girl is gonna be late for school, whys she left the house so late?"

i sighed and took of my headphones "what did you say?" i hate when i'm listening to music and people speak to me

"that girl, she's literally just left her house, she's gonna be late"

i realised we were on y/ns road, we'd been driving for 10 minutes already? i looked over to the side of the road her house is on, and i saw her there, she looked beautiful, i couldn't take my eyes off her

her hair was so nicely curled, it looked perfect, like she'd had it done at the salon, her makeup looked amazing, i loved the way she did her eye makeup, it was so simple but it looked amazing on her, i couldn't help but stare, she looked gorgeous
pshh, i've only known her a day, i don't like her like that
i can't like her like that.

"oh, uhm yeah" i snapped out of my gaze, and realised it was 8:32am, she was definitely going to be late.

"wait, mum? please can we give her a ride? i don't want her to be late"
"she's my friend"

my mum looked like she was trying to remember something for a second, before saying
"i thought you'd only made 1 friend, a boy called jae-sung"
i forgot i lied.

"so who's this girl? you want to give her a ride just because she's pretty?"

"no- that's not why-"

"i don't want a stranger in my car, rik"
she drove right past her

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