Chapter 13

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Irin was alone at the front of the group as they trudged through the jungle in the dark back towards their camp. The thick canopy of leaves overhead of them smothered the moonlight, making it difficult for them to navigate the ground in front of them.

Irin could see the glow of the fire up ahead through the trees and frowned. With no one feeding them, the flames should have died down to a smoulder by now. Irin picked up the pace, ignoring Charlotte's warning from behind for her to be careful.

She broke through the tree line, spotted the lone figure hunched by the fire and broke in to a run. Queenee looked up just in time to spot Irin as she threw herself at the other girl, almost knocking her off the log she was sitting on.

"You're okay!"

"Why wouldn't I be?" Queenee steadied them, her hands on Irin's arms and an amused expression on her face. "Where have you guys all been?"

Irin's relief turned to anger as she pulled away from the other girl. "Where were we? We were out looking for you! Where the hell were you? We thought you were hurt... or worse!" Irin's eyes shone with unshed tears.

"Nice to know you care, Irin." Queenee grinned, still amused by all of this.

Irin clenched her fists at her sides, her hands shaking with the effort of not reaching out to slap the other girl again. Now that she knew Queenee was safe, she no longer felt so guilty about leaving her.

"I was gathering plants and berries, like we were supposed to." Queenee added, twisting the knife in a little deeper. She pointed to piles of plants, herbs and berries laying in the sand away from the heat of the fire. "I got a good hoard-"

"Ugh, you're such a bitch!" Irin snapped.

Queenee's eyes widened, she wasn't sure she'd ever heard the other girl swear before. Irin stood and stormed off towards the fuselage just as Richie reached the fire, the others trailing closely behind. He frowned at Queenee.

"What's going on? What did you say to Irin?"

"I'm fine, babe. Thanks for asking." Queenee pulled a face at her fiance.

Richie shook his head. He was done with Queenee's games. "Leave her alone, Queenee. I won't tell you again."

Queenee leaned back on the log, looking up at him with a smirk. "No."

Richie didn't have time to reply as Freen appeared beside him.

"Queenee!" She launched at the other girl, wrapping her up in a hug. She wasn't a big hugger, but Queenee was one of her good friends. Freen was relieved to see her unharmed. "You're okay!"

"Looks like." Queenee laughed, hugging her back. "I came back here and everybody was gone."

"We were looking for you!" Richie said, his tone as razor sharp as his glare. "We thought you might have been hurt."

"Why did nong Irin leave you out there alone?" Freen frowned. She didn't know Becky's friend all that well, but she knew it was out of character for the other girl to do something like that.

Queenee shrugged as the others joined them by the fire. She spotted the way Becky's hand reached for Freen's, before the blonde thought better of it and let it drop to her side. Good for Freen.

"Well, I'm just glad you're okay." Freen pulled back and squeezed Queenee's shoulder, a silent 'we'll talk later'. "It's been a long day. I'm going to turn in." She glanced over her shoulder at Becky, a silent look of understanding passing between them.

"Me too." Becky said.

They walked off, leaving the others to question Queenee about where she'd been. Irin was curled up under her blanket, on the reclining seat she shared with Nam as a bed, when the pair walked in to the plane.

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