Chapter 7

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It was mid day, and the sun hung high overhead as Becky lay under the shade of a tree on the edge of the beach. The weather was sweltering, with not even the hint of a breeze to offer any sort of relief for the parched teen.

Becky lay on her back with her eyes closed. The light hurt them, and her stomach grumbled with hunger, while her throat felt as dry as the desert. The rest of the group all sat further down the beach, next to the wreckage of the plane; except for Queenee, who was still holed up in the fuselage.

Becky opened her eyes as a shadow fell over her. She squinted, shielding her eyes with her hand as she looked up at Charlotte. "Ka, phi?" She asked, her throat raw and her voice scratchy.

Charlotte took a seat on the sand beside Becky, crossing her long legs underneath her. "I'm going to look for water." She said, pulling idly at the grass growing through the sand.

"Okay ka." Becky sat up with a grunt. "Just give me a minute-"

"That wasn't an invitation, Becbec." Charlotte rolled her eyes at the other girl. "I'm just letting you know so you can keep an eye on our girl. Keep her away from Richie."

"You shouldn't go out there alone."

"I'm not. I'm taking Fa with me."

"P'Fa?" Becky pulled a face. "Why are you taking her? You know, we're stuck on an island, right? Killing her here probably isn't the best idea na. It kind of narrows down the suspects."

"Please, I'm not stupid." Charlotte said. She broke out in a grin. "I'd at least make it look like an accident."

Becky let out a throaty chuckle and then closed her eyes as another wave of nausea hit her. It didn't go unnoticed by Charlotte. She knocked her shoulder lightly against Becky's.

"You're exhausted and nong Irin's hurt. Neither of you are in any fit state to come with me, and Nam talks too much, so that leaves Fa. At least if anything happens, like we run in to a lion or some shit, I can use Engfa as a distraction to get away."

It was Becky's turn to roll her eyes. "Just be careful out there. Come back before dark and try not to kill each other."

"I can't make any promises." Charlotte said, wearing a grin as she stood. "Take it easy, nong. And keep an eye on our girl. Don't let her do anything stupid."

Becky shot her a mock salute before she lay back down, closing her eyes against the harsh sunlight as she fought the urge to be sick.

Charlotte walked back over to the others. Engfa was collecting the empty water bottles up from around the camp and putting them in a backpack in case they found a fresh body of water they could fill them back up from.

"We found P'Nuch and Heng on the East side of the island." Said Freen. "And we didn't see any water. You guys should try going West."

"Thanks, nong." Charlotte nodded at the other girl before turning her attention to Irin. She clapped her on the shoulder. "I won't be gone long. Keep an eye on Becbec for me na? She doesn't look like she's doing good."

"I will." Irin promised.

"You ready?" Charlotte asked, looking at Engfa.

"For a walk in the woods with you, Char? Always." Engfa smirked as she watched Charlotte's jaw tighten. She'd pay for that remark later. Engfa couldn't wait.

Irin reached up for Charlotte's hand. "Please don't murder her, P'Char."

"Cai, cai." Charlotte huffed. "Come on."

The pair took off in to the woods, taking Freen's advice and following the path of the sun, heading West. Engfa waited until they were out of sight of the others before she knocked her shoulder in to Charlotte's. "You know, trekking across this island is a lot of work just so you can get in my pants."

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