Chapter 9

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"Urrh, I hate coconuts." Nuch let out a great sigh as he tossed aside the husk of the coconut he'd gorged on. Empty shells lay littered around the beach like paper cups after a frat party. He and the other boys had gone back with Irin to the spot she found the palm trees to fetch back as many as they could carry.

"Could have fooled me, you just ate a whole one!" Freen prodded his stomach with her elbow and Nuch recoiled, slapping her arm away.

"Don't, nong! I'll be sick." Nuch held his stomach with a scowl.

"Beats starving." Freen picked at what was left of her own coconut.

After two days of plane snacks, it felt good to have something substantial on her stomach. She glanced over at Becky, sitting under the shade of a tree and working away at a long stick. She seemed to be doing better since she'd eaten something.


"What?" Freen turned back to find her twin glaring at her.

"You know you want to go over there, so just go. I can entertain myself."

"I don't know what-"

"Nong, you can't hide anything from me. Go talk to her. I'll keep Heng busy."

Freen broke out in a grin before pressing a kiss to Nuch's cheek and standing up. "Rak na, shit-head."


Freen padded across the sand and came to a stop in front of Becky. The other girl sat leaning against the thick trunk of a tree, running a jagged stone over the end of a long stick. She'd worked it to quite a point.

"I know you hate coconut, but is cannibalism really the answer?" She asked, making Becky squint up at her with a crooked smile that tugged at the beautiful dimples on her left cheek.

"Don't worry na, I'll eat you third to last."

"Third to last?" Freen took a seat beside her, nestling up against the tree so that their shoulders touched. "I guess nong Irin and Char would be last, being your friends and all."

"Oh, no, no." Becky shook her head. "P'Char would be fourth last, then you, then Irin and P'Nam."

"Really? P'Nam last? Is there something going on there?" Freen's eyes twinkled in amusement as Becky's cheeks coloured and she hastily shook her head.

"No, uh, nothing like that." Becky laughed, tucking her hair behind her ear as she ducked her head. "It's just, she's so damn nice, you know? She'd be the hardest to kill. She'd probably offer to season herself..." Becky trailed off, grinning as Freen cracked up laughing.

"You have put way too much thought in to this!" Freen bumped her shoulder in to Becky's. "Like a scary amount."

"Don't worry. That's what this is for." Becky put down the stone she was holding and held up the pointed stick for Freen to inspect.

"For murdering us all in our sleep? Good to know, nong."

"No!" Becky's laughter lit up her face. "It's for fishing. Me and my Phaw fish all the time. I'm hoping I'll be able to catch something for supper."

"Can I watch?" Freen asked, genuinely curious to see Becky in action with the spear.

"Watch, no? But you can help." Becky stood up, clutching her spear in one hand and offering the other to Freen. Freen eagerly took it, and the two of them made their way down to the water.

Becky led them to a shallow rock pool. She kicked off her tennis shoes and waded in up to her knees. Freen removed her hiking boots and rolled up the legs of her pants before she followed suit.

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