Chapter 5

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"Hey, P'Freen? Can we stop for a second?" Becky called out to Freen, ten feet ahead of her.

They were halfway up the island's highest peak, and Becky had already drunk half her first bottle of water. The sun was fully up now and bearing down on the two of them as they hiked up the steep hill.

"What's wrong, nong Rebecca? Can't keep up?" The other girl stopped and turned to face Becky, a smirk playing on her lips. She took a sip from her own water bottle before tucking into one of the many pockets of her cargo pants.

"It's Becky... just Becky. And I'm a little tired from saving your ass, yesterday." Becky said, shooting Freen a smirk of her own. She took a seat on a large rock sticking out from the grass and wiped at her brow with the back of her hand. "Plus, we won't be much help to your brother if we die from heat stroke."

"Fair point." Freen conceded. She walked back down the hill and joined Becky on the rock. "Just a couple of minutes, okay?"

"All I need." Becky said. She pulled out her water bottle and took a long gulp.

"So, what's with nong Irin and Richie?" Freen asked, trying to make conversation while they sat resting. Becky glanced uncertainly at the other girl. She didn't know Freen very well - if at all - but she didn't seem like the type to gossip.

As if reading Becky's mind, Freen said, "I'm not going to tell Queenee. It just seems like there's a story there, and I could really use something to distract me right now."

Becky picked up a pebble and began running it across her knuckles like a magician performing a coin trick. Freen watched with interest as she moved it across her hand and back again.

"It's complicated... I mean, it's not, but it is." Becky shrugged and then tossed the pebble. Freen felt a pang of disappointment. There'd been something hypnotic about Becky running it across her fingers.

"She didn't know Richie's engaged, and that he's a total fuckboy." Becky rolled her eyes with a sigh. "He flirted with her for months and when he asked her out, he said they had to keep it a secret because his parents didn't approve of him dating. He left out the part where it was because he was already engaged."

"Wow, that sucks."

"Cai... Irin was devastated. She's kept away from him ever since, but I'm worried after all this, she might be tempted to go back to him. Comfort in what you... you know?"

"Ka..." Freen nodded thoughtfully. "I just can't imagine being 'the other woman'."

"Me either." Becky said.

"What about you? Do you have a boyfriend waiting back home?" Freen asked, still making conversation. Becky couldn't help but laugh, the kind of full belly laugh that made your sides ache.

"What?" Freen demanded. "Why is that so funny?"

Becky reigned in her laughter as she rubbed at the back of her neck. A nervous habit. "I uh... I'm not really in to guys. Like, at all."

"Oh!" Freen's eyes widened, and then she laughed. The sound was almost musical to Becky's ears. "Girlfriend then? Or fiancee? Wife?" She grinned.

Becky ducked her head. "No, to all of those."

"Really?" Freen asked. "I'm surprised. Come on na, we should get going. We're almost there." She stood abruptly, catching Becky off guard.

"What? We're only halfway up!" Becky protested, scrambling to catch up with the other girl.

"Exactly. Half way up! I'm an optimist, Rebecca Armstrong!" She turned and winked, making Becky blush. "Oh and try to keep up this time!"

The second half of the hike was just as grueling as the first, but Becky did her best to keep up with the other girl. It was worth it once they reached the top. At the peak of the hill, and with not a single cloud in the sky, they could see out across the whole of the island.

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