Take me back, pls turn back time

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Its already sunday in the afternoon but jennie still feel low its started in friday where lisa dont go to school because of her sickness. She didnt know whether she only misses the girl or she just feeling guilty of what she did or she just worried or she just started to be brave and admit that she really loves lisa.

On the house of lisa shes no longer feel sick because her nanny takes good care of her. Shes the one who gives lisa food and medicine alternate with her mom her mom takes care of her until afternoon and in the evening diana make sure she didnt forget to drink her med. She even sponge bath lisa.

Today shes feeling well now. Its sunday afternoon and she wanted to return the favor and give rewards to diana. Her mom also said that its a good idea so they decided to give diana a day off and shop her clothes and have dinner.

In the mall where in lisa is busy looking gifts for diana the girl bumps to her, lisa say sorry but immediately change her aura to cold and empty eyes after she saw whose the culprit one no other than the one that brokes her heart. She suddenly turn around and go to the other store.

After she buys gift she go to the restaurant whose her mom and diana waiting for her. Diana said sweet.. I mean lisa what took you so long i thought you got lost in the way here. Her mom said sweety come on lets eat.

Jennie goes to where she see lisa buy the gift shes so amaze cause lisa got a good taste in buying gifts. She smile thinking that lisa will give to her that gifts in monday. Its a beautiful necklace with a great design. She scout the whole mall but she never see lisa again she thinks that lisa just go home already then she decided to go back to her home too.

Monday and jennie is restless she didnt have a good sleep because of the thoughts that lisa will give her that beautiful necklace if that happen she will allow lisa to be her suitor, shes now willing to date her anytime, anywhere any place.

In school shes in the locker waiting for lisa because she thinks its a good place to talk it doesnt have much students that surrounded. It can also the spot where she can see the entrance gate, rooms, hallway. She waited there for a couple of minutes. But lisa didnt go there.

Its lisa's daily routine to go to her locker, before going to her class but she decided not to do it anymore that habit she just go there because thats the only place where she can fantasize jennie without getting caught. But not anymore. She go straight to the cafeteria to wait for seulgi. While waiting irene bae go sits beside her she can notice that its not a good idea because seulgi might misinterpret that situation. Shes about to stand up but irene held her hand that makes her stop moving and stay.

Irene starts the conversation and ask lisa if shes ok now if she is not sick anymore lisa said im ok thanks for asking. They see seulgi rushing to them and ask what is going on. I told her that nothing. But she drops her eyes looking to are intertwine fingers and i pull my hands to entangle our fingers and voila my hands is back to my laps.

In the classroom lisa ignores jennie not a single glance she did unlike before she will slowly go to her chair just to stare and admire the feline face.

Lisa what is that in the cafeteria? whats the meaning of that answer me. Lisa said huh? shes getting confuse too why irene bae do that knowing that she likes jennie. The convo was so loud, all the students hear it, jennie heard that loud and clear. her eyes landed to bae that walking towards to lisa. she hugs lisa and shouted at seulgi. Whats wrong with you seulgi why are you shouting with this cute little duckie im not even yours so dont act like you own me. And yes i admit i like lisa but because of respecting my friendship to jennie i decided not to interfere but this is different now i will have a chance to lisa i will take that opportunity. If you are really friends with lisa why you treat her like that. Its not lisa's fault its mine so you better be careful of what your gonna say to lisa.

Jisoo shouts me too i like lisa that makes rose' throw piercing eyes and said i like lisa too.

Lisa just sigh and feel sad she misses her hometown. She wanted to go back in the place where no one hurt her. she will ask her mom and dad if she can go back in thailand and have peace and break free from this situation.

Prof said shut up all of you lisa is mine already. Back to your sit or i will have a graded recitation if no one will answer correctly i will make sure you will repeat my class.

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