30 | The Search

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Luna then moved to untie Carl from the chair. She then hugged him which took him off guard. She rubbed her hands on his back in a comforting manner.

"Luna, I...I..."

"No need to be sorry uncle, you're still dad's older brother, my uncle. Won't you return my hug?" She whispered against his right ear and smiled when he wrapped his arms around her.

When she pulled away from him, he looked at Will; not sure if his younger brother would forgive him.

"Dad was right to call you a fool." Will smiled and pulled Carl to him. "I hate that I cannot hold it against you, you fool." They laughed.

"All right, it's time to bring back my aunt and cousin." Luna interrupted then looked at the Wolverales and added. "That is, if you all forgive him,"

After all he'd abducted Camille and both Alphard and Dorian suffered, not to mention that she was poisoned with copper.

However, from Alphard's and Dorian's expressions it was evident that the call was solely Camille's to make.

"Considering how much more brutal those with the evil marks can be and how you've been..." Camille began and paused for a second before adding. "I think I'll forgive you, but if you fail to make up to Bella and Sophia then you know what happens."

"As expected of you, Camille." Dorian proudly smiled at his mate, Alphard's expression masked his father's.

"Let's not waste anymore time now." Alphard said.

"How do we recognise her? I don't know how the shape of your ear, as it's mentioned in the letter, would help us, it looks similar to that of your father's." Greg pointed.

"One close look and you'd never be able to unsee it, Greg. At first glance it'd look normal, but as someone who has OCD, I've always been disturbed about why my ear looks different from that of my family members, I'm surprised that aunt Bella actually noticed it."

"You've OCD?" Alphard frowned.

Only now did it make sense to him as to why her cabin was always perfectly organised and how sometimes she frowned when she found an object out of its place and rushed to correct it, not only in her cabin, but anywhere she went.

"Now's not the time for that question, but yeah." Luna answered. "As for the shape of my ear; while the others have a perfectly round shaped one, mine are slightly pointed, but as I'd said earlier, they might appear round at first glance."

"I see it now," Will frowned as he looked at Luna's ear. "Your grandmother's were exactly like this."

"Okay then, we're leaving now in search of them, though aunt Bella implied she won't be there by saying that Sophia would recognise me, I don't think her heart would settle till she sees with her own eyes that her daughter is now safe. I've a feeling that she'd be around the place till we find Sophia, so we should find her before we look for Sophia, if not, then I'm afraid we'd lose aunt Bella forever."

They agreed and left the cottage at around 11 in the morning. There were 4 orphanages near the forest occupied areas, all at a reasonable distance from each other. One was exclusive for boys, one for girls, one was for both while the last one was actually an old age home.

They didn't know if Sophia was left in an orphanage as an orphan, or if she was working there. If they went with the first option then they'd have to check only with the orphanages for girls and the one for both the genders, but if they were to go with the second option then all of the 4 should be checked. So Luna assigned the ladies and Dorian to check if Sophia was working and asked the Royalves brothers to see if the girl was signed in as an orphan.

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