Pretty Little Fears

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David and Darrian had maintained their habit of growing their feelings for each other. While many would quickly get bored, both grew more attached. Their years of being only best friends had taught them that the other is an inevitable part of their lives no matter what happens. Like regular couples, they've had arguments and drawbacks but those factors only made them yearn for each other more. However, a drawback that persists is keeping the relationship a secret.

They weren't ashamed of their relationship, they were just...just cautious. The truth as it is was they were still both boys – the same sex – and the world being the way it is made cautiousness their only choice. 113 days into their relationship and they still had to hide to share a kiss, hug, or even hold hands.

David who never fancied the idea of dates suddenly became a date fantasizer. With his boyfriend, he wanted to do things normal couples would do. There had been many times when he wanted to propose the idea, but he knew it would only result in his boyfriend's heartwrenching somberness.

Sitting him right between his legs (on the floor), David followed the visual instructions on how to braid hair as he twisted and knotted strands of Darrian's hair. Ms. Jimenez had traveled out of town, leaving Darrian no choice but to have a girl from school braid it. But, David didn't fancy the idea so he took matters into his own hands.

"Oh okay, nigga! did this shit well," Darrian remarks at his fresh braids, leaving a prideful smile on his boyfriend's face. Even though it had taken way longer than it was supposed to, David eventually perfected his craft.

"I know...payment?"

Darrian drags the boy's face down, placing an aggressive kiss on his lips.

It was the two of them alone in David's house. And it would be the perfect time to ask if Darrian was okay with letting people – well their parents – know about them.

Feeling as the winter sun shines through the living room's window, David contends with the way its lights brightened Darrian's figure. It was as though the sun understood why David loved the boy so much. "Watchu wanna watch?" Darrian sat on the floor, browsing the television with a remote.

"You don't got practice?" David noted since it was Wednesday.

"Nah coach got hurt...he broke his ankle or some shit."

They both burst out laughing, leaving David to say, "That bitch ass nigga."

Darrian shifts his glance to David, contemplating if he could spill what was on his mind. But he didn't say anything, hoping it wouldn't interject the happiness his boyfriend bore. The truth was Darrian also had something on his mind. Lately, he had been worried about the uncertainty that would sometimes snatch David into a trance.

"Snowfall?" David said, suggesting a show for them to watch, and as Darrian was about to comply he stopped him. "Do you ever...wanna tell people?" he voices his thoughts.

"What?" Relief settles within Darrian as he can tell his lover is finally spilling the uncertainty that haunts him. "Tell people what?"

"About us, that we together," he faces the boy. "Like our parents?"

Darrian turns his entire body the boy's way, eyes lingering on his face, he replies, "Yeah I wanna tell my moms...lowkey, I think my moms know."

David nods along, pure focus demonstrated on his face. "But I want to tell them properly."

"Me too."

"Should we tell them at the same time...when we gon tell 'em?"

"Whenever you want," he allows David into his arms, letting him rest the back of his head on his chest.

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