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4 weeks went by and Darrian was already counting on the two weeks left. While they were still busy with their other work, the call from that night calmed his nerves. He finally accepts that David truly likes him and that he isn't living in a fantasy.

"Nah nigga you that excited for winter break?" His school friend, Derek asked. "Why you tapping your feet and shit?...corny ass nigga."

"Shut the fuck up," Darrian pushes him.

"Nah you shut the fuck up," Derek chuckles. "You got a girl? Is that why you're excited?"

"Be quiet, bruh."

"You be quiet...bruh," he said mimicking Darrian.

"Both of y'all be quiet," Lola said from behind them. "Pay attention in class!"

Despite their breakup, Lola and Darrian still maintained their friendship. He might've felt a slight discomfort towards her because of her indifference to their classmates assuming they were together but it didn't matter.

"Wait a minute..."Derek said, inspecting both Lola and Darrian. "Are y'all back together?"

"NO!" Darrian said instantly, leaving Lola and Derek surprised.

"DARRIAN! No yelling in my class." Their chemistry teacher counters. "Since you are in the mood for talking, which one of these elements is an alkaline earth metal?"

He scans the choice, "Barium."

"Ok...that's correct, but because you know doesn't mean you can talk in class," she rolls her eyes at them.

"Ouuu ok!" Derek daps him up. "You still corny for the feet tapping though."

Darrian was indeed excited for their winter break, even though David wouldn't be back until after the break, he was still excited to pick out a gift for him. Browsing through the internet for a gift to get him made him even more excited.


What should I get him? Sneakers? He already got a lot. Sweaters? He got those too. Beanies?

Darrian, on the other hand, has a long-lasting history of being terrible at giving gifts. He desperately needs help but has no idea who to turn to. He'd go to his friends, but they asked way too many questions, so he just sat in the lunchroom, scrolling through his phone, while his friends continued their loud chats.

"Trying to get gifts for someone?"

Darrian jerks back at the familiar voice. "Yeah," he says honestly, closing his phone.

"Wow, Ddot trying to get a gift for someone?!... I guess miracles do happen," Lola declares, taking a seat next to him. "So you really got a girlfriend huh?"

"Nah, it ain't like that," he thinks for a second. "Tryna get it for my moms."

"Oh really? What you getting?"

"Ion really know," he opens his phone, however, he doesn't swipe quickly, allowing Lola to see what is on his screen.

"You tryna get cologne for ya moms?" She bursts into laughter. "Nigga get her something else."

He was glad she thought it was simply funny, if she'd put two and two together he would find himself at the center of unnecessary attention. "Yeah, I will."

"So you don't got a girlfriend?"

"...No," he says truthfully. "But-"

"Do you wanna come over to my house for Christmas?" She tucks her hair behind her ears. "My Nana kinda misses you."

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