I'm Yours

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"Nah I'ma deck you!" Ddot motions to appear intimidating. "You trash, nigga!"

"Deck me? How you gon do that, little bitch?!" DD fires back.

After New Year's night, both boys woke up to play online games with the other as their opponent. But when Darrian consecutively lost three games, it quickly resulted in an exchange of insults. David remained in Darrian's room and Darrian was in the living room. Both are geared with headpieces – cameras still recording and streams still active.

Ddot, who somehow believed David was cheating, asserts, "NAH SUCK MY DICK, DD! I'm gon beat you up right now!" He ended his stream as he ran upstairs to his room. Upon his arrival, a childish giggle squirms out of David. And as he had threatened, he doesn't spare David, lifting the boy from his seat and slamming him right on the bed.

"Oh nah!" DD counters, snatching Darrian, who hovered over him. "You suck my dick, little nigga!" He pulled himself off the bed, now standing on his feet.

"Nah nigga!" he holds David in a headlock, leaving his body slightly slanted.

"Fuck you mean nah? What happened to aww here, baby touch me here?" he mimics Darrian's moans from the night before. But before he could collect himself against another attack Darrian covered his mouth, quickly getting off the stream. "Oh shit my fault!...did you switch it all off?"

Making sure the cameras were off, Darrian responded, "Yeah."

"Aww baby right there!" He continues mocking the boy. But Instead of feeling embarrassed, Darrian reached for David. Grabbing a hold of the boy's neck, he fixed a kiss on his lips – his action capturing how he hated loving the way David teased him. "Freaky ass nigga," David said, playfully punching his younger counterpart.

But it was unlike Darrian to leave an argument without the last words so he stares right into David's eyes slowly closing his, he sharply sucks in air. His hand still around David's neck, "Shit shit shit I think gonna..." he drops his head back, shamelessly mimicking his lover from the night before. "Baby I'm gonn-"

Before he could complete his reenactment, David quickly smacked him. "Shut the fuck up," he said softly against his lover's lips. However, his simple act leaves Darrian a flustered mess, "Not you folding," David said, once more, against his lips. Unknowingly, Darrian's eyes trail the movement of David's lips, clearly disturbed at how they hadn't collided with his own.

He leans down to achieve his anticipation but David turns away, innocently teasing the boy. "Can't I get a kiss though?" Ddot whines.

"No," David responds, but Darrian yanks him into a kiss anyway.


"Good morning, little nigga!" David said as soon as Darrian opened the door.

It was the first day of school after winter break and David had assigned himself the duty of taking his boyfriend to school. "Morning, little bitch," Darrian responded, clearly annoyed that he had to go to school. "You got your books and shit?" David questioned, checking Darrian's backpack to confirm the boy had all he needed for school. But his realization of the empty bag prompts the inquiry, "Why you ain't got no books?"

Snatching the bag from him, Darrian mocks the boy, saying, "They in my locker, ma!" David had been nagging him since the day before and nothing described him better. However, Darrian's response pulls his mother to the front door. 

"What's in your locker?" She asked, but her sighting of her son's best friend left her surprised. "Hey, David! Did you come to walk him to school? Aw so nice of you."

"Good morning," David nodded proudly at her acknowledgment.

"Nice? He just being a dick rider."

Quickly smacking his head at the comment, Ms. Jimenez scolds him. "Be nice! How many people you know be coming from they house to walk they best friend to school?!"

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