The Moon

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Alabama's familiar voice jolts David awake. He quickly sits on his bed, watching as his girlfriend opens the room curtains. "Morning!" He says softly, allowing the sun's beam to soften his beautiful features.

Alabama then places a light kiss on his cheek. "It's afternoon," she exclaims, dumping her body on the bed. "Go get ready."

"Oh, deadass!" David quickly picks up his phone to confirm the time, "Ah shit," he hurries to get ready.


"Thanks for waking me," David settles on a chair in his dining room, "Wait," he chuckles. "That's what you came for? To wake me up?"

"No, I'm here for our date," she munches on a snack. "Did you forget already?!...DD you were the one who planned it!"

Because Alabama had a habit of canceling their plans, he simply didn't take certain things she said seriously. As a result, he had no memories of the date he had planned.

"I was just fucking with you," He lies. "So, should we go now," he smiles, offering his hand in an attempt to seem as natural as possible.


David froze, shocked at the way his action had backfired. He was hoping he could fool her into believing he didn't forget the plan. But, he messed up so badly that he became embarrassed especially now that he remembers their recent fight was because of this same date.

A couple of weeks before, Alabama had complained about David being unromantic behind closed doors. She felt as though she was only for display and she hated the idea. "Why won't you let me in your space?" David recalls her saying. "Why won't you ask to be in my space, DD?" He didn't understand why she felt like that so he would brush it off. However, she would bring it up repeatedly; singing the same old songs like a broken record.

Finally, one day, David had been so frustrated that he gave in and suggested a stay-at-home date. But lucky for him he never mentioned that the date would be at his house.

"I never said it was gon be at my house though," he saves himself. "You wanted me in your space right? let's go to your house," he offers a reassuring smile.

"Ok," Alabama returned the smile but quickly erased it as she was aware his smile bore no sincerity.

It was no secret between them that David cared for her and tried to be the best version of himself around her. However, despite his best efforts, his facade would crack, revealing the somber hollowness of his guise.

Only a fool would overlook that, and Alabama was no fool. She was aware of his melancholy before they began dating, and she may have deluded herself into thinking she could fix it.


When they arrived at her house, Alabama gave him a tour, suggested they play a few games, have a makeout session, and cuddle as they binge-watch a television show.

When they finally begin the tv show of their choice, David allows Alabama in his arms as they both settle into her bed."Should we order food?" Alabama suggests after a while.

"I got you, what do you wanna eat?" He shifts.

"Um...I don't know," She smiles at him.

"Why are you smiling?"

"I don't mad cute."

"Thanks," he responded dryly.

He attempts to continue the conversation about food but is interrupted by Alabama's phone buzzing. As soon as she answers the phone he turns his focus to the television. And after approximately thirty minutes, she finally concludes with "Nah we could just go to a cafe after."

Even though David was focused on the television, he knew what was going to happen. He knew Alabama would call off their "date" to hang out with her friends as it wasn't the first time this occurred.

"Babe," she says tenderly, "You remember Amy?...she's in town and she wants to meet up for a little bit. It'll just be for a little while, you can wait here till I come back... if you want."

"Nah it's cool, I'm just gon head back home," he pecks her then leaves for his house.


As soon as he arrives home, he settles in the chair in front of his window, allowing the gentle winter breeze to wash down his body. He then lights a blunt, inhaling and exhaling the warm smoke as he glances at the moon. "Mad pretty" he thinks to himself.

Whenever David had a lot to think about he would look for the moon and simply glance at it, he knew the memories that came with the moon would quickly erase his worries. And the thing about David was that he was consumed with much too many things. Whether it was his now awkward friendship with Darrian or his unwillingness to confront Alabama about her frequent neglect of their relationship.

He felt as though he wasn't entitled to such confrontation as he was aware of not being a good boyfriend.

What sort of boyfriend responds dryly to being called cute by his girlfriend?...a horrible one. He knew he hadn't responded dryly because he was taken aback, he just didn't feel anything, unlike the last time he was called cute.

He lay quietly in bed, smiling at the New Year's memory he recalls.

A year back during New Year, he and Darrian had opted to watch the fireworks from his rooftop alone. While they were there, the two talked about a variety of topics, both serious and frivolous. David may choose not to confess many things, but he would confess he had no guard up that night. He spoke so freely that it seemed as if Darrian was some type of truth serum that made him spill everything about himself.

After talking for so long, the fireworks came to an end. But neither wanted to leave.

They sat in silence for a while, however, David quickly breaks that silence when he points out the moon. "The moon is still here!" he smiled – a genuine smile. "Mad pretty."

Enchanted by the other boy's beautiful features, Darrian crumbled, "You cute."

"Huh?" David replies naively as he feels hotness spread from his ears to his cheeks. "Uh," he couldn't hide it even if he wanted to; his face was flushed.

Darrian then tries to dispel the situation when he attempts to make it out to be a joke, "Nah you think you cute," he tries to bully it away. But he succumbed to the contagious blushing of the other boy when he also began blushing.

David shatters at the sight of that memory, smiling uncontrollably as he shifts on his bed to finally go to sleep.

"I want him so bad."


Thanks for reading another one of my delulu chapters 🤪😚

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