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I kept going to my mom for forgiveness but it seems she is not ready to forgive me
She even told me she has no daughter in this world that I should stop coming to her place
The last time I went she used broom to chase me away

I am all alone in this world,
I kept looking for Binta to ask for her forgiveness maybe things will get a little better when I do

But I was told Binta's mom relocated to kano and Binta is not in the country she got married to a rich man and they left together

I almost cried my eyes out when I heard the story
Now where will I see Binta to ask her to forgive me
I am not sure if she will ever forgive me for what I did to her but atleast I tried and maybe mama will consider forgiving me if Binta forgives me.

By now anybody that knows me before won't recognize me anymore
I am no different from a mad woman
It is now that I know the use of a children in this world,if I had children I know that child will never abandon me,
When God gave me ,I mercilessly flush them out not once not twice,I cried and cried regretting and begging God for forgiveness I have seen enough he should just take my life so that I can be free from all this suffering I am tried.

I decided to go visit mama again although I already know she won't even look at where I am standing but I will still go since I do get lucky sometimes she gives me food

I was about entering the house when I saw someone like Binta coming out holding Mamas hand,she looks happy and healthy
I couldn't help but envy the way her life has changed
I remembered the way I treated her and started crying,I ran and knelt down on the floor in front of her crying like my heart is about to come out of my heart
She quickly moved back looking scared and surprised

It's me Aisha I said trying to clean my tears with my dirty wrapper

She said looking at mama who turned and went inside leaving us outside
She was looking at me with so much surprise on her face

Binta I am really grateful to God for bringing you hear today
I looked for you everywhere but couldn't find you
Please forgive me Binta,I am really suffering,if you don't forgive me ,I will never find peace

She looked at me and said
You think you will find peace if I forgive you.
Forget it Aisha
I don't think I can forgive you ever

She left without giving me a second look
I didn't leave there I continued crying calling out her name but she didn't even come back
I was there crying for more than an hour before mama came out and gave me food and some money saying" the girl you betrayed is the same person crying to me inside to forgive you
Take this and get out of my sight,I don't want to see you this dirty you are disgusting "
I didn't want to leave but I have no choice but,mama has no intention of listening to me anymore
I went straight to the hospital and use half of the money to buy some drugs and used the rest to buy myself some food and a new dress I promise to go see my mom looking neat next time

After a week I decided to go see her again but when I reached my area I saw people sitting outside my house
I saw Mubarak Aliyu's friend and some other people I don't know

I went inside the house and saw my mom's sister crying,I couldn't think of what is happening but my heart couldn't stop beating so fast.

Immediately she saw me,she came to me crying" Aisha! Where have you been? your mom passed away yesterday"she just continued crying

I was still trying to process what she said I just fell down unconscious
I have lost the only hope I have left in this world
Who will I go to now,who will help me
I couldn't stop crying when I woke up
Since then my life move from better to worst

After begging around for sometimes
I have no choice but to go back home
When my mom saw me she couldn't stop crying
She has no choice but to take me in but on the condition she doesn't have to see my face until she ask for me
I was given a room in our Bq and all I do is to stay there all day , atleast my life is better now,I have food to eat and I have a roof over my head
All I am praying for now is when my parents will finally forgive me


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