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Aliyu hasn't call me since he left for Lagos and I have been trying his number but he is not picking
I just hope all is well

I was very restless that I decided to call Mubarak to ask him about Aliyu
I was surprised when he told me Aliyu has been in Abuja with him since last week
I pretended to know about it and just tell him to tell Aliyu to call me when he sees him

But why did he lies to me about going to Lagos?
I kept asking myself questions that I couldn't answer

I went to visit mama Aisha's mom the next day and she was very happy to see me
I spent the whole day with them before going back home

I met Aliyu at home when I got back
I wasn't expecting him to come today
If not I won't have gone out,I would have stayed to prepare something for him
He seems annoyed that he didn't even respond to my greetings instead he started shouting at me

”where did you go without my knowledge?
So this is how you go out the way you want whenever I am not around abih?

I tried to explain to him but he isn't listening
I just kept quiet and allowed him to finish his quarells
I just said sorry and went to my room
Because I was also upset by his behavior,he should atleast give me a chance to explain

I wanted to ask him why didn't pick my calls or call me since he left to his so call Lagos,but I decided to leave that for another day.

Aliyu hasn't been to talking to since the day he came back and I tried all I can to see that we are back to our good times but he isn't giving me the chance to do so
I decided to just let him be
I am already tired of trying to force myself on someone who seems not to value me anymore because that's what it's looks like

I noticed he is always on call everyday or he is always chatting with someone which I am sure it's a lady

I didn't bother myself because a guy is entitled to Four wives and my husband is not an exception so he should marry three more as long as he can take care of them

And I am sure he will want to see his blood since I still haven't give birth.

I have never stop praying to God to bless me with my own child too and I am sure God will do that for me

What made finally speak out is when I overheard his conversation with his new babe

I finished cooking and I went to call him to come eat his food when I heard him talking to his babe I presume about how she do controls him on bed,
He quickly ends the call when he saw me but it was too late because I already heard the lady's reply and it wasn't pleasant to the hear

The voice sounds familiar but I couldn't care much at that time because I was upset

I looked at him with the tears that I don't have control over trying with all my strength to say what's in my mind

Have you forgotten you are a Muslim ?
Even if not because of me ,but for your children and for the fear of God
You shouldn't have done what you are doing

I don't care if you marry three more wives because it's halal and God permits that for you as a man
But what I won't condole is spending the rest of my life with someone who commiting Zina(adultery) is something he brags with

You have the money to marry more wives and have it the halal way, why the hell will you choose to have it in the Haram way
What has come over you Aliyu?
This is not the man I married

Is this why you stopped coming to my bed?
Is it because you now enjoy the company of a prostitute to your lawful wife?

I couldn't finish what I was saying when I felt his palms on my cheeks
Aliyu slapped me 😱
He just left me there crying bitterly without saying a word

I cried like my life depends on it and when I was tired of crying because I know the crying won't solve my problems
I went to the toilet and perform ablution and went to cry to my God
He is the most high and I am sure he will answer to my prayers

Take heart please Binta
And continue praying
Allah has never left any sincere prayers unanswered

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