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The first thing I did was to hug Binta very tight turning her round the room like a baby with so much joy

Babe our life will now change for the better
I finally got the job.
Do you still remember the contract I told you about?
The one you gave me 150k for?

She nod her head to respond

My work was chosen among more than a thousand work.
I just hit the jackpot
I said laughing

I noticed how small Binta looks
She has lost sao much weight compare to how I have known her
Maybe she is still not over the lost of her pregnancy
After all it's not totally my fault if she has not try to force her way out of it that won't have happened I said to myself

I was showing Binta my project that was chosen when Mubarak entered

Binta stood up and went to the room to give us some space after exchanging greetings with Mubarak

”congratulations my gee
  I am very happy for you ”

Thank you my friend I said with a wide smile on my face

”But Aliyu is Binta sick?
  She looks not herself
  Are you sure you are taking care of this girl?

Mubarak hasn't been in town for the past two years so it's normal for him to be surprised at the changes in Binta

I noticed the look he has been giving her since he entered the room and I was expecting a question like that from him

Sorry I didn't tell you
She had a miscarriage three months ago and since then she hasn't been herself

”Eyyah no wonder
  In Sha Allah God will bring another one
Please tell her to take it easy on herself ”

I am oo
You know Binta is somehow stubborn
I have tried all I can but she is still not hearing but I am sure with time she will come over it

Let's go out and celebrate abeg and you didn't tell me about your own work that made you leave Kaduna for almost three years now


Things became a lot better after Aliyu got his new job
He joined a well known company that I didn't even bother asking of the name since he can't handle the contract on his own
And it seems he is been paid very well
He didn't tell me how much he gets from the contract but from the look of things he makes more than I can imagine

I am finally at ease because I don't have to hustle that hard anymore

Aliyu asked me to quit my job and stay at home
He kept insisting that I have tried enough now is time for me to enjoy the money he is making

I didn't like the idea at first but I have to give in after much persuasion from Aliyu

We moved out of our old house and relocated to a new one which is way bigger than the one we left

The new life I begin to leave made to start letting go many things and I keep how that things to remain like that for ever

I still haven't gotten pregnant since the last miscarriage but I haven't lose hope not for once

Aliyu's mom is a very good woman she has never for once complain to me about me not giving birth

Instead anytime I visit her she always consoles me and tell me to keep on praying that God is watching and he will surely do his wonders on us

All I do now is eat,sleep and watch film whenever I am bored

I now have everything I have always wished for but my husband's time
Aliyu now travels a lot he is hardly at home

I was at home as usual resting on my bed when the house help came to tell me I have a guest

I asked who the person is because I wasn't expecting anybody
She describe the person as a young lady

I decided to check myself since I didn't quite understand her description

And who am I seeing
I said almost shouting
I quickly run to hug her because I really missed her I know we had our bad time but she is still my childhood friend I can never replace

I haven't seen her for more than four years now
So I was really happy
To my surprise she started crying begging me to forgive her that she doesn't know what came over her

”please Binta I am really sorry for all
the bad things I said to you
I really don't know what came over me,but please forgive me ”

She said with eyes full of tears
Habah Aisha you did nothing it's okay
I have forgiven you and please forget about everything that happened it's now in the past
How are you long time
How is your husband,I heard you got married,what about your children?

”I guess you didn't hear the news
  my husband's died last year and my
  husband's family killed my only child after taking all what he left for us
Life hasn't been funny to me Binta who knows maybe it's because of the bad things I did to you and Aliyu, please forgive me ”

Habah Aisha I told you to stop talking like that you did nothing wrong to me and I am sure Aliyu has forgiven you already
He is not in town sef if not you guys would have seen eachother
So please let forget about all that happened it's all in the past
What should I offer you?
Hope you are staying for long ?
I really miss you

She smiled and we continued chatting
She didn't leave till in the evening and I was really happy because I got someone to talk to what I haven't done for some time

I wish you could just spend the night with me
Please just stay for today then you will leave tomorrow
”i can't,I am sorry
Mama is waiting for me at home
But I promise to come back again ”

Okay no problem,
Please my regards to mama,tell her I will come to see her very soon

After Aisha left I picked up my phone to call Aliyu
I couldn't wait to tell him about Aisha
After calling two time without picking I gave up and decided to wait for him to come back since he told me he is coming back the next day


It's time!
I said laughing to myself

I logged in to all my social media handle and open a new account with a different name and sent her friend request,I followed her on all her active account and made sure I liked all her recent pictures

As expected she didn't take up to a day to reply
We started chatting and before long we became lovers online

We chat all day and night
I never for once send her my pictures but I always asked for hers which she didn't hesitate to send to me

After three months of chatting we decided to finally meet

She stays in Abuja so I have to lie to Binta about a business trip to Lagos and I left for Abuja to meet my new found love
What are you up to Aliyu🙄
I don't like rough play ooo
See yah

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