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Mama please forgive me
Please stop being angry with me
I promise to bring back Binta if that will stop you from being angry with me please mama I said crying on my knees begging my mom who is refusing to talk to me
She looked at me with so much anger on her face
"I doubt if I am the one that gave birth to you
The child I raised can never be heartless and wicked like you
How could you treat a girl like Binta that way?
I will never forgive you for what you did to her
And wait and see what God will do to you for what you did to her ,I am sure you won't go scored free"

She didn't even wait for what I have to say she just left
I went to my dad to help me beg my Mom but it seems he also angry and they all refused to talk to me
I have no choice but to leave Zaria with so much pain and regrets

I didn't want to go back home because I am already exhausted from begging my parents I didn't want Aisha to add her own problems

I haven't have enough peace since my marriage with Aisha we kept arguing and fighting over small issues
Anytime she asks for money and I failed to provide she will start getting angry and we won't settle until I give her the money she requests for
At first I don't mind because after all I was able to provide for her but things started getting worst when I couldn't meet up with her demands anymore

I feel so frustrated and depressed from all that is going on around me
Even Mubarak that has been my friend has also turned his back on me
Who can I go to now with my problems,I could stop the tears rushing out of my eyes
I really wished I didn't divorce Binta
I really wish I didn't lie to her about my feelings
It's now that I am realizing how much I have loved Binta,my time I spent with her was the best part of my life but I was too blind and obsessed with Aisha that I failed to realize I already fell  deeply in love with Binta
Where should I start from?
My world is about to crumble right in front of me

I decided to just go back home since I have no where to go to
I already sold out almost all of my properties for Aisha

I got home and met the sitting room as messy as always,she never cleans the house and the sacked the house help claiming I am sleeping with her

I went to our bedroom hoping she went out so I could rest but stopped at the door when i saw Aisha sleeping in another mans arm on our matrimonial bed
I cleaned my eyes to be sure she is the one I am seeing and yes it is Aisha
I instantly fell down unconscious

Mummy please 🥺
I don't think I am ready for another marriage
What if I got unlucky again,I trying all I can to let go the experience from Aliyu's house but you know it's not that easy

She holds my hand moving me closer to her, using her hands to wipe away the tears from my face
"It's already two years now since you left Aliyu's house and I think it's time to let go
I haven't been saying anything because I wanted you to decide yourself who you want to spend the rest of your life with
Your father is already pestering you about getting married again aren't you tired?
And I really want to see your children

But mummy I don't think I am destined to nurse a baby trying to control the tears
And I really don't know who to choose between Mubarak and Bashir ,they are all good people,I don't want to make another mistake again

"Who said you are not going to give birth?
Are you God?
Or don't you believe in prayers anymore?she asked holding my hands tightly

I do mom,
Prayers and faith are the only thing keeping me alive,if not I won't have survived what I went through.

"Then keep praying and have faith
Mubarak and Bashir have both proven to be the best choice you will ever make
It's now left for you to choose
I want you to follow your heart this time around don't compromise anything just pray hard over the issue, follow your heart and let God handle the rest"
She said cleaning my tears

I hugged her tightly thanking her for her support because without it I don't think I will be where I am today

I went back to my room thinking about the whole situation
It's better I settle down but who should I choose among Mubarak and Bashir
Mubarak has been like my savior since my divorce with Aliyu he is always there for me
But is that enough reason to marry him
I know he loves me alot that sometimes I kept wondering why he gave up on me letting Aliyu take me

And Bashir on the other hand is just someone I can't describe, his love is too big for me handle
It makes me scared that he might see the imperfection in me because I don't think I will be able to reciprocate the love he is showing me and he has a daughter,how sure am I that I will make a good mother to her
Please God come to my aid
I am really confused and scared

Three months later

Binta be fast and dress up
The grooms people are here to take you,my mom said trying to come into my room
I was already crying because I am sure going to miss my mom.
This is my second marriage but everything feels new to me , it's as if I never got married before

"Stop crying my love"my mom said drawing closer to her
"God will always be with you
Just keep on being the you I have always known "
I couldn't say anything because of the cry I couldn't control
I left my mom after series of prayers and advice from my parents
I was taken to my husband's house and my new home
I couldn't stop praying in heart hoping this should be last and the  happiest moment of my life
Binta is finally married 💃💃
But who is the groom?🙄


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