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I went back home thinking about what Aisha did

I am still surprised by her sudden change of attitude

Aisha has always loved money and an extravagant life,but I didn't expect her to be this worst.

I really pity Aliyu, because he loved her so much

I kept thinking about what to do with Aisha,but I promised myself not to visit her anymore

I will let her be till she wants to come to me herself

I picked my phone and called mama Aisha's mom to apologize for not coming to greet her and she explained to me that Aisha left the house to where she did not know

She tried stopping her but she refused
That she has gotten a job in Abuja and she is relocating there

I told mama to not worry that Aisha is a grown up and I am sure she can take care of herself.

I woke up early the next day,after all I couldn't even sleep because of how I kept thinking about Aisha's matter

I was having my breakfast when a call entered my phone it is Aliyu

I just hope all is well,this one that he is calling me this early

Hello Aliyu
To my surprise it wasn't Aliyu but someone else's voice

«good morning ma
This gentle man was bought to the hospital yesterday night and your number is the only number going through from his contacts»

What happened to him?
Which hospital is he?
I am coming I said picking up my hijab after the nurse told me the address

I ran to mummy's room and told her about what is happening and went straight to the hospital

The condition I met Aliyu really scared me

Bandages all over his head,his legs were broken

What happened to him?
I asked the nurse crying?

I don't know the full details since he is still unconscious but I heard he was attacked by some thugs yesterday night in his house

But Aliyu is a very peaceful person
Why will thugs attack him?
I said looking at the
Which I am sure she has no answer to my question

I made all the necessary payment with the little money I have in my account

Aliyu was unconscious for three days and I was the only one taking care of him

I tried calling his parents but all their numbers wasn't going through

I was able to reach a friend of his that he saved with Mubarak after he spent two days in the hospital

And he has been of great help to me
He comes to the hospital immediately leaving from work and I use the opportunity to go home and freshen up

It wasn't easy but I have no choice since I couldn't reach any of his family members we have to continue taking care of him till he recovers

Aliyu spent a month in the hospital before recovering

I didn't even bother calling Aisha because I have promised never to look for her again not after what she did to Aliyu

She was the one that sent thugs to beat him up just because she doesn't want him to continue coming to her Aisha has become really heartless

I woke up and saw myself in the hospital that's when I remembered what happened that night

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