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Is that Binta I am seeing I asked my self when I saw her coming out of the bank
She looks more beautiful than ever
I wanted to go talk to her but I stopped myself because I remembered she is married
I decided not to come out of my car till she left the bank

If I had known I would see her here today I won't I have come
Seeing her has made me remember how much I so much miss her,but there is nothing I can do about it she is already someone else's wife

I entered the bank after I saw her enter a cab
I was about going out of the bank after I was through with what I went to do when Binta entered the bank I quickly tried to hide my face but it was too late because she already saw me
Maybe she noticed I was trying to hide away from her she just smiled and came to where I was standing
"Good morning sir"she said with a smile
"Why are you trying to hide?
She asked and I felt a little embarrassed
I smiled and said why will I hide
How have you been?
Long time
"I am fine and you?
How is family?

Everyone is fine I replied
How is your husband I asked not because I want her to reply

She hesitate before answering
"He is fine"
We talked a little before we finally part ways

I couldn't stop thinking about Binta all day,I wished I could stop because I know it's not right thinking about someones wife but I couldn't control my heart when it comes to Binta
I hope God will forgive me and take her out of my heart

I finally have control over what I came to do in Nigeria and I was already preparing to go back
I don't think I can continue staying in this country where the love of my life is with another man

I decided to visit Binta's mom before leaving because the woman has been very nice to me and I wouldn't want anything to come between the good relationship I have with her

"Ahh Bashir since when you left the day Binta told you she is getting married you didn't even bother to come see your mummy again"

I am really sorry mah,I just got busy after that and you know its not easy for me
She just smiled and said "how have you been?
How is your family?

I told her everything about my family the death of my wife and the baby she left
We were gisting and laughing when Binta came into the house in a hurry calling out for her mom
"Mummy I forgot some papers on the sofa this morning, did you see them for me.

She didn't even notice I was sitting
Her mom looked at me before looking at Binta saying maybe you should check your room,I didn't see anything

She quickly ran to her room
She came out holding some papers still talking to her mom she seems not to still notice I was sitting there
"Mummy can you believe I saw Aliyu today?

I could remember very well Aliyu is the name of the guy Binta told me she is getting married to
Which Aliyu is she talking about and why is she at home?
I was still thinking when I heard her mom saying
"Didn't you see Bashir?

She surprisingly  looked at where her mom was pointing and said
"Subhanallah,I am sorry
Wallahi I didn't notice you are there
Good afternoon
So you are still around?

Good afternoon I replied
I am preparing to go back next week in Sha Allah

"Masha Allah
Okay nah take care"
Said to me

She quickly rush out the room saying
"Bye mummy
See you later "

I looked at mummy with surprise waiting for some explanation
But she just turned away  bringing up another topic

I decided to just let the matter go maybe she just came to spend some days with her mom I assumed

I kept thinking wether I should call Binta and ask her myself but I couldn't,I just decided to let the matter be

A day to when I was planning to go back,I decided to visit Binta's mom to tell her I will be going back and I don't think I will come back again

And when I reached I met Binta washing her clothes outside
She quickly washed her hands and went inside to put on her hijab before coming out

I didn't even respond to her greetings instead I asked her why she is still at home?
She stammered before answering
"Is that suppose to be a question?
Can't I visit my mom again?

I looked at her trying to read her mind,
Nobody is saying you shouldn't visit your mom but you are here last week and today again it's suspicious

She just smiled and said"it's nothing to be suspicious about so calm down"
and what are you doing here this early?

Is that suppose to be a question?
I asked too
The way you think you have rights to visit mummy anytime you wish I also have that rights so never ask me that again.
She started laughing saying
"Okay oo Mr rights, mummy is inside go and meet her"

I didn't even look at her again because I was already upset
I greeted mummy who seems to be listening to our conversation since and said
Mommy I will be going back to Australia tomorrow and I don't think I will be coming back again
So please mummy just clear my doubt
What is Binta doing at home?
She took in a deep breath before saying "I wanted her to be the one to tell you herself but it seems she has no intention to do so"

Binta's mom briefed me on the situation on ground and I couldn't hide the happiness in heart
Yes I am happy
I know it's not funny to mummy and Binta but to me it's just as if I was given a second chance
I instantly cancelled my flight and stopped all preparing of going back for now
Because I am going nowhere without Binta as my wife

Bashir is back😊
Wish you all the best but it won't be easy, because Mubarak is also no taking it easy😁


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