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Juju and Her Sixth Sense

written by AJCrazyEyes


A 21-year-old digital influencer has an accident and starts listening to men's thoughts.

Juju is a 21-year-old who has been working for 5 years as a digital influencer, making a splash on the internet by sharing in daily vlogs her daily life at parties, having fun with friends on trips and clothing tips. As she started to be successful at a very early age, she earns good money per month and, even though she is middle class, her income is the highest in the house.

Her father, Carl, 50, is fired from a job at a company after 25 years of service. Carl is a hardworking man, but very stubborn and even macho, when he loses his job he keeps wanting to boss his daughter around as if she were 5 years old (from the clothes she wears to the type of profession she has which he doesn't support and doesn't agree with because he thinks it's not a real job, that to work with internet will not bring her security), but Ana, 45 years old, Juju's mother, whenever she can defends the young woman from Carl's insensitive comments.

In addition, Juju also has to deal with the jealousy of her current boyfriend, Peter, who is also a digital influencer and thinks he can sing Rap music, but he only creates embarrassment with weak rhymes. They've been dating for a few months and he doesn't like her hanging out with her friends so much.

Juju has two great friends, Karen and Rikki (yes, Rikki is her name). Both are also around 21 years old and live together in an all-girls residence with another young woman, Marie (or Mad Marie). She is also an influencer, but less popular and Juju's main competitor, although she pretends to be her friend, in fact she has jealous of Juju.

Marie wants to be, on the internet, bigger and more popular than Juju.

But suddenly, after an accident, Juju will discover that she has a very special sixth sense: Juju starts listening to men's thoughts.

So, after her newfound "power", Juju tries to get on with her life, to know herself better (to have more self-knowledge) and to resolve outstanding issues of a young woman into a world where many people are obsessed with appearance, success, marketing, power, fame, money and competition.

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