Chapter 6

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Juju and Her Sixth Sense

written by AJCrazyEyes


In the kitchen, Carl and Peter are drinking and laughing. There are several beer cans scattered all over the kitchen that is a mess.

Ana enters after Juju.

Juju, very angry, starts talking to Peter:

"Is that serious, Peter? You've got to be kidding!".

Peter says:

"I came on a mission of peace.".

Carl to Juju:

"Calm down, daughter.".

Juju is very nervous:

"Go to the hell you two. What about you, dad? You had no right to interfere in my life like that.".

Peter to Juju:

"Calm down, Juju. Master Carl is well-intentioned. Nobody wants to fight here.".

"Well-meaning? That's a good one. I don't want a fight either. I want space... Let you both be well-intentioned there. That I'm out.".

"How so?" Peter told.

Carl to Juju:

"Speak English, my daughter... don't talk in codes".

"I'm going to spend some time there in the residence of the girls, but only until I get an apartment I want so much.". Juju said.

"No, no... wait one moment. Is that serious?" Carl told.

Peter's nervous, but he's laughing: "Seriously, Juju?".

Juju to Peter:

"Yes. I'm just going to grab my suitcase.".

Carl's also nervous, but he's laughing:

"So, is that so? You've already made up your mind, kid.". Carl now turns to his wife: "And do you agree with that, Ana?".

Ana to Carl:

"Yes, of course. It's her decision. But I agree. And who do you think will drive her now? I'll be back, man. But for now, stay you two laughing and keep well-intentioned.".

Juju and Ana leave the kitchen.

At the girls' residence, Karen and Rikki are holding a big mattress. They take it to a room.

Marie is fully focused on her phone.

Juju hugs and says goodbye to Ana.

"Thanks, mom. Thank you for everything.".

"It seems good, Juju. Take care of yourself and good luck on your new journey, darling." Ana said.

"See you around, mom. Have a good night.".

Marie, serious and envious, looks at Juju and her mother.

Rikki and Karen, who is wearing a cute hat, enter the room.

Karen to Marie:

"Thanks for the help, Marie.".

"Sorry, I'm busy.". Marie replied.

Rikki and Karen go closer to Juju and Ana.

Rikki to Ana:

"You can let us take care of our lovely Juju...".

Karen completes:

"And she is one of us. We are a team.".

Marie just watches.

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