Chapter 1

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Juju and Her Sixth Sense

written by AJCrazyEyes


Juju's bedroom is fancy, but there are many clothes scattered all over the room, some folded, some on hangers.

Juju, 21 is getting ready, Karen, 21 helps Juju pick out the clothes, she is very careful when holding, folding and putting away the clothes.

Juju and Karen are also filming with cell phones (vlogging about the pieces of clothing and makeup as well, since the two show daily content on their social networks, daily vlogs about their lives, parties, travels and, especially, about clothes and makeup, an entertainment that has as its main target audience the female and young and all the rest who also identify with this type of audiovisual production). They're laughing and having fun. Juju finally chooses an outfit.

Rikki, 21, is sitting on the bed 'making a joint'. She, from time to time, jokes and pays attention to her digital influencer friends, but she is much more focused on making her joint. Rikki starts smoking marijuana.

Suddenly, a subtle cut appears (a crack) on one of the mirrors the girls are using.

Karen helps Juju put on makeup, they have fun while doing it. Rikki continues to focus on marijuana.

Suddenly, there is a knock at the door.

Rikki immediately extinguishes the joint and hides the object (under her hand or under a pillow).

This person enters the room. She is Ana, 45 the mother of Juju.

"It smells different here." Ana said.

Juju points to a corner where there is an incense stick that makes smoke.

Juju says: "It's the incense, mom!".

Ana, knowing that it's not just that, gives a wink to Juju who smiles. Afterwards, Ana takes a small box of incense from her pocket and throws it on Rikki's lap. Ana motions for them to open the window wider. Karen opens it. Then Juju's mother throws a lighter to Rikki.

"Rikki, you can now go back to using your incense." Ana said.

Ana winks at Rikki who smiles and goes back to smoking marijuana, even in the presence of Juju's mother. But Ana takes advantage and turns on the fan.

Ana to Juju: "Juju, so it ventilates more and spreads the smell more.".

Ana closes the door.

Juju: "I love you, mom.".

Ana smiles.

Karen turns to Ana and points to the clothes Juju is wearing.

Karen "Hey Ana, what do you think of this look?".

Ana, cheerful, analyzes Juju's outfit.

Ana to Karen: "Karen... I loved it! You're going to be a great personal stylist one day. I'm sure!".

Karen smiles.

"Thanks!" Karen said.

Someone knocks on the door. It's a stronger beat. It's Carl, Juju's 50-year-old father.

Carl says: "Ana? Juju, is your mother there? Can I come in?".

Rikki quickly erases 'the joint' and hides it.

Carl enters into the bedroom.

Carl says to Juju: "What a strange smell.".

Ana points to a corner where there is an incense stick that makes smoke.

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