Chapter 3

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Juju and Her Sixth Sense

written by AJCrazyEyes


Juju is at her parents' house, in a room. Juju is still tense from the argument, discussion she had with Peter. Juju is working, she is editing some video or photo on her laptop to post on some social network.

Juju's mother is by her daughter's side, giving tips and support. They talk.

Suddenly, Carl enters, upset, very sad, but trying to disguise his delicate moment, so he 'is short and dry' in his words: "I was fired... without prior notice.".

Ana stands up and gives her husband a hug.

Carl sits down on the couch and continues talking as he looks down:

"Twenty-five years old and they trade me for a guy a little older than Juju, for a salary smaller than mine.".

Juju also stands up and hugs her father.

Carl continues: "But of course, he's my boss's nephew.".

Juju goes back to work on her laptop.

ANA to Carl: "Do you want something? Sugar with water? A tranquilizer? How can I help you, Carl?".

Carl says: "No, it's okay, it's okay.".

Ana then sits down next to Juju again, and goes back to helping her daughter edit the video.

Carl is serious:

"Juju, what are you doing?".

Juju says:

"Working. Editing video to post later.".

Carlos can't stand it, rebels and finally puts his anger and sadness out and takes it out on Juju.

Carl, ironic: "Working! Working! You are very hardworking, your generation is very hardworking".

Juju, serious, says:

"Yes, working, dad. What's the fun?".

Carl laughs: "And that's work, Juju? Come on".

"Yes. I work with the internet. You know, dad. I'm a digital influencer.".

Carl, ironic again: "Digital influencer!... seems like a great profession, Juju.".

Ana to Carl: "Take it easy, my dear.".

Juju begins to get angry and starts staring at her father.

Juju to Carlos: "It's a modern kind of work, Mr. Carlos. You know that, I've explained it to you before. It's a dignified job.".

Carl is unstoppable:

"Decent work! Decent work is what I do. Twenty-five years ago. My grandfather worked in a company, my father worked in a company and so did I.".

Juju stands up and continues to stare at her father.

Juju complains:

"I don't like the tone of your voice, Carl. I don't know where you want to go with this. You are irritating me.".

"Calm down guys, let's take it easy." Ana, the mother, said.

Carl continues to sit on the sofa.

Carl to Ana: "It's okay, woman. Your daughter is very outgoing, for sure. She is a self-made woman.".

Juju is very serious.

"I'm as much a worker as you are.".

Ana hugs Juju.

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