Chapter 10

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Juju and Her Sixth Sense

written by AJCrazyEyes


At night, inside the residence of the girls, in Rikki's room, Karen sorts some clothes. Rikki combs Juju's hair.

"What about you, friend? Are you better?" Juju said.

"In fact... I'm relieved. Now I'm going to live my life having more peace.".

"That's good, Rikki!".

"Her mother is a shrew." Karen said.

Rikki takes a breath and says:

"The person who has a narcissistic personality only cares about himself. She is usually insecure and extremely individualistic and always wants to be in the the center.".

Juju is curious:

"How do you know all this? You always surprise my friend.".

"You can learn a lot just by observing others and doing some self-analysis. I also have been studying, researching, listening and analyzing other people's behavior, realizing who has empathy and who just wants to be at the center... besides that, I've been doing the Gray Rock Method since I was a child... self-knowledge and solitude helped me.. That's how I survived." Rikki said.

"You're always thinking about things, babe." Karen said.

"And of course, you two are my best are my family, girls. I love you." Rikki said.

"Girls... we are a fucking tripod...I love you!" Juju said.

Karen says: "Me too...I love you, powerful women!".

Rikki keeps talking:

"In my opinion, the exaggeration of capitalism can potentialize, boost the narcissistic behavior... My mom thinks that just because she's a rich lawyer, she's better than others. I totally disagree, as long as people don't stop overvaluing some professions and diminishing others, things don't get better. Everyone is an equal human being, from the garbageman to the doctor.".

"Truth." Juju said.

Rikki keeps talking:

"Juju...your father, for example. He's a nice guy, much better than my mother... But he thinks that because he is older and has worked in a company for years, his profession is better than yours which works with the internet.".

Juju says: "He's very stubborn, you know.".

Rikki keeps saying:

"In addition, he is the result of a sexist and patriarchal society that puts the man at the center of the family. When he loses his job, he blames himself and gets frustrated, but because he can't express his feelings, he ends up drinking too much.".

"Damn it... You're right." Juju said.

"And she didn't even have to read his mind!" Karen said.

The friends laugh.

"Stop it. Let's get ready...cause tonight is Juju's." Rikki said.

In the club, at the party Juju, Rikki, and Karen are dancing.

Brian and Peter also dance, a little away from the girls. Peter holds bottle of beer. He's drinking heavily.

Marie approaches Brian. Marie pulls Peter by the hands and they stand in a corner.

Juju, Rikki, and Karen approach Brian.

Juju to Brian: "Brian, where's Peter?".

Brian points to the corner where Marie and Peter are.

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