Chapter 7

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Juju and Her Sixth Sense

written by AJCrazyEyes


At night, Juju, Karen, and Rikki are at the club.

Juju receives a message on her cell phone, she takes a look at the device. Then she looks at Karen.

Karen is confused: "What's up, Juju?".

Juju takes Karen by the hand. Rikki just watches, while drinking some colorful drink.

Juju says:

"I want to show you something, Karen. Come here.".

Juju starts walking, Karen follows her.

Karen doesn't understand what is happening.

"Where are we going?".

Juju is tense:

"Look, I did something. You know I'm kind of impulsive, friend...".

"Juju, I don't understand.".

"Karen, If you get mad at me, that's okay. I decided to take a risk.".

Near a landmark (e.g. a staircase or a toilet), Juju stops walking, Karen too. Juju keeps looking around as if looking for someone.

Karen is still confused: "Risk what? What did you do, Juju?".

Suddenly, 21-year-old little Marianne appears in front of Karen.

Little Marianne, smiling, says:

"Good evening, girls!".

Karen blushes, paralyzed, but says:

"Little Marianne?".

Little Marianne greets Juju who is sneaking out and looking at Karen.

Little Marianne to Karen:

"Shall we have a drink, Karen? Let's go.".

Juju, already distant, gives a thumbs-up sign with his finger (positive sign). Karen, who was tense, smiles and says softly to Juju:

Karen to Juju: "Thanks, babe!".

Karen and little Marianne go get some drinks.

Juju once again stays close to Rikki in the center of the party.

Little Marianne and Karen are talking, drinking, and smiling at each other in a corner near the bar, a little away from Juju and Rikki.

Rikki starts a conversation: "Did it work?".

"I think so. She looks fine. She's more relaxed. It seems that they are understanding each other.". Juju said.

Rikki replies:

"What about you, Juju? Are you relaxed?".

"A little better, friend. Taking a break, looking inside, breathing, enjoying also looking for an apartment...discovering who I am. Keeping busy was good for me... Work hard, play hard!" Juju said.

Rikki to Juju: "Your energy is pleasant.".

"Cause I'm enjoying with you, my best friends.".

"Want to enjoy it even more, Juju?".

"How so, Rikki?".

Rikki is happy:

"I had an idea, friend. How about if you read the minds of the guys here?".

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