Chapter 71

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Lin Han only learned of this news in the afternoon.

Before He YunTing left the night before, he only had a general idea, plus he had to go back to the Research Institute and sleep early, and only after dealing with the morning's business, he barely had the time to learn about it from others. Last night, he realized that something was wrong, and today the news that the V Proton Star was out of control, to say that it was a coincidence wasn't really credible.

Since it was a direct order, not through Wen TianYao nor through the council, it had reached the point where it was necessary to send He YunTing. The V Proton government directly sent a message of distress, and the Empire, in order to show their own importance to their star, certainly agreed to this request.

Because it was a sudden situation, the news was all in the emergency broadcast of this matter, the people of the Institute naturally also discussed it. But after all, the fire didn't burn their own house, so they had some other meanings between their words.

Lin Han was walking to the break room when he heard the assembly department discussing the matter. After all, those who could enter the Institute were all people who had gone through layers of screening and cultivation, and were in the core area, even if someone didn't mean to, there was some subtle sense of class in the words.

"I went to V Proton once some years ago, nothing interesting, traffic is inconvenient, many things are still not available," said one of them in uniform, "when the core area of the barrier agent have come out to the fifth generation, V Proton over there could only buy the original version of the barrier agent. "

One of them patted him on the shoulder and explained, "It's normal for blockers to lag over there, since they're basically beta."

"Yes," the previous person nodded and sighed, "the news is quite serious this time, and they actually asked the General to go in person..."

"Is it really that serious? But they shouldn't use too many mecha. After all, there aren't any Zerg, maybe it's a conspiracy, and since V Proton Star recently received too little attention, something happens so they must take advantage of it now to have a little presence."

"Yes, and this time they directly sent the General out which also means that they are taking it really seriously. His strength is undoubted, so this is really quite clever. Making the entire M Star give attention to him, while also solving the problem."

"Yes, I just think it's a bit of a big deal to let General go, he's the one who was sneaked up on and still managed to fight one against five, and finally came back from the border area."

The news of the warship was only half released, so most people only knew how brave He YunTing was, and didn't care that he had also brought someone with him at that time, and how much danger the two had gone through together.

When they saw Lin Han coming to get the nutrients, they called out to him, "Lin Han, you just returned from the base, right? How does it feel to follow the practical training? Is the General a particularly scary person?"

Lin Han originally wanted to leave directly, but finally hesitated for a moment and stopped in his tracks. He glanced at these two colleagues, whom he didn't know very well. They only knew that V Proton's resources weren't as good as the core, and that it was full of Betas, and that He YunTing was cold and impersonal, like a stone that could never be warmed.

These people, perhaps they weren't bad in nature, and worked quite hard, but were limited by the so-called identity gender and the core area into creatures who only cared about themselves.

They were born with some sense of superiority and wouldn't understand why some Alphas were willing to be stuck in a place where resources were scarce when the core was so good, always at the forefront and not worried about being left behind. Like spoiled children, they didn't know that in fact, from the moment they were born, their fate had been categorized in that lesser category of survivor deviation.

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